The Wicked Witch of NYC At a university in Pennsylvania; a - TopicsExpress


The Wicked Witch of NYC At a university in Pennsylvania; a witch attending college there was searching for her next “minion”-at a party-, to do all she asked. Little did she know she was with child, from another fella-she was kind of didn’t know how to keep her legs closed-. Then finally she saw a weak looking werewolf; with ginger-bronze hair and hazel eyes. She thought would be easy pickings and would be a very loyal minion. Throughout the party she slowly strung her spell together becoming more and more powerful until, she cast her hex on him making fall in love with her without even ever meeting her before. About a month later, she found out she was with child and ran to go tell her “lover”, they were going to have a child together. “Josh”? She called. “In the living room Selene”; he called back. She walked into the living room and sat down next to him. “I have something to tell you”; she said nervously. “What is it dear”? Josh said looking her in the eyes. “Well, were going to have a baby”; Selene said still nervous, but slightly excited. Josh went silent. “Are you okay Hun”? Selena said, touching his arm. “Yeah I’m okay, just shocked”; he said. “You’ll get over it”; she said, suddenly becoming nasty. Josh nodded in silence and they began watching TV. 5 months later; Selene is 6 months along. Josh is playing on his “Jack in the Box 180”; when he meets a girl from Scotland; her name is Ruby, a vampire with blood red hair, skin as pale as egg shells, and eyes as dark as the depths of the ocean. He instantly fell in love with her. They became friends, but josh kept pursuing her even though, she kept rejecting and friend zoning him-because hello a vampire and werewolf couple are like forbidden in certain clan’s, werewolf and vampire alike-. 4 months later. Josh is rushing Selene to the emergency for the birth of her daughter -they found out 4 months ago they were having a girl-. 12 hours of labor later. Selene gives birth to her daughter Raen. They are both excited to be parents- even though josh is still secretly in love with Ruby-. Ruby is slowly dismembering Selene’s spell on Josh. Selene gets a job-Josh has a heart condition and can’t work-to support her daughter and Josh; while josh stays home and takes care of little Raen. Josh pursued Ruby for a year from the day they met until she started to crack. Josh wanted to be with Ruby so bad; but he was afraid if he left Selene she would leave and take Raen-who he still thinks is his- with her. One day, Selene is getting suspicious of Josh talking to Ruby so much that she tells him to go for a walk to rest his eye from staring at the screen, and being the good doggy he does as he’s told. On his walk he comes across the rabbit hoping along the path. He thinks nothing of it until he passes it and it speaks. “Hey you”! It called in cute squeaky voice. Josh turns around to look for who was speaking. “Down here doggy”; it says. Josh looked down to find a grey lopped ear rabbit. “You can talk”; he said. “I didn’t always use to be like this you mutt, my name is Marsha by the way”; said the rabbit. “Oh well, what did you use to be”? He asked. “I use to be a math tutor for the Beauchamp family, until my students father didn’t think I was doing a good enough and turned me into this”; she vented. She looked up at him. “Is something troubling you puppy”? She asked. Josh sighed and said; “I don’t want to be with my girlfriend Selene Beauchamp if you remember her, because I am in love with someone else”. Marsha thumps her foot, and then speaks;” yes I remember her she’s the reason I’m like this, and what’s the problem”? She asked. “I had a daughter with Selene, and I don’t want Selene to take her away from me”; josh reveals, opening up to her. Marsha pondered thumping her foot some more; “when did you and Selene meet”? She asked. “November, 2 years ago”; he said. “And when was your daughter born”? She asked. “August of last year”; he said looking at her starting to get slightly nervous. Marsha hopped over to a dirt patch and started drawing calculations in the dirt, before she spoke. “How far along was Selene when she gave birth”? Marsha asked. “A week overdue”; josh replied. Marsha added the new information to her calculations. Josh looked over her shoulder trying to make out her writing, but couldn’t. Marsha sighed and muttered; “Oh Selene, up to your old tricks again I see”. “Excuse me”; Josh said taping her shoulder. Marsha turned around, “yes”; she said. “What do you mean Selene is up to her old tricks again”; he asked, getting a little nervous. Marsha sighed and began to explain; “the Beauchamp’s have never had good socializing skills and always depend on their magic to secure a mate, now according to what you’re saying her spell is weakening, because you’ve fallen in love with another, and that might be from her having the child and having to shift some of her power over to the child to get her magic started”. “But that doesn’t explain the calculations you were doing”; Josh interrupted. “Ah yes the calculations”; she continued. “I was calculating when the child must have been conceived, and from my calculations there is no possible way the child could be yours”; she finished. Josh stumbled and froze for a moment, collected his thoughts, thanked Marsha for the information, and walked away. That night a screaming fight broke out between Selene and Josh. It all ended with them separating; Selene to Raen and left to live with her family, and Josh went to go live with his brother Darian. Josh started working hard on earning enough money to go live with Ruby in Scotland; who he planned to marry and start a new life and family. The End
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:32:14 +0000

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