The Wisconsin Constitution coalition (TEA Party organizations) - TopicsExpress


The Wisconsin Constitution coalition (TEA Party organizations) assembled to address five State Assemblymen and one State Senator. Among the questions posed to them: How do we get your immediate and focused attention on a matter of urgent concern to us? The answer confirmed among them as they asked if it was true for each others office; If we get 15-20 personal TELEPHONE calls, in a day or two, from knowledgeable well informed constituents, from our voting district, our office GOES INTO HIGH ALERT and the Representative gets contacted by his office IMMEDIATELY NO MATTER WHERE HE IS. He will call back or talk directly to the caller, right then and there. And, the matter WILL GO ON HIS CALENDAR for specific attention and resolution... PLAN, therefore, to get State of Wisconsin Joint Sovereignty Resolution with ARREST PROVISION along with its vital companion legislation sponsored and passed to lead up to incremental STATE NULLIFICATION of all Federal Spending and Usurpation: 1.) Procure Node Commanders in each of the 92 State Assembly (thus also State Senate) voting districts. 2.) Node Commander shall muster 20 - 25+ Constitutionalists in his voting district. 3.) HQ will furnish Node Commander with briefing materials for his study. 4.) All 92 Node Commanders, with any help and support from HQ as may be requested, shall form a meeting of his Constitutionalists to brief them on the State Sovereignty Resolution for Telephone presentation to State Reps. 5.) On date and time certain HQ shall release all 92 Node Commanders to release all of their 2200+ WI Constitutionalist callers to contact their State Assemblyman and Senator to brief them on the bill. This will melt the State Capitol phone lines all within the same five to ten minutes as a display of force and resolve by the personal voting constituents of each of the State Reps. 6.) After the calls have concluded all 92 Node Commanders shall submit an electronic copy of the bill and Executive Summary PDF files, to his State Reps. 7.) Two weeks later, at date and time certain, HQ shall release all 92 Node Commanders to release all of their Constitutionalist callers; to follow up on the bill and see if the Reps have reviews the bill and if they would be so kind as to sponsor it. 8.) Every two weeks HQ will release the Node Commanders to release their cumulative 2200+ callers all at the same time, melting the Capitol phone lines, until a goodly number of sponsors are procured. 9.) After each and every call the Constitutionalists shall compose a brief report about how the call went, who they specifically talked to and the result. These reports shall be e-mailed to the NC. The NC shall compile all 20+ reports for submission to HQ. HQ will in turn compile a comprehensive report of all 92 voting district call results and info. These comprehensive reports shall be forwarded back to all 92 NCs with further instructions from HQ. The NCs shall forward, by e-mail, these comprehensive reports to all Constitutionalists in his district. 10.) Once enough sponsors are procured the process will evolve to ensuring the vote gets to the floor for a vote and is not held up in committee whatsoever. 11.) Once the bill is passed by the Assembly and the Senate all forces shall engage the Governors office. 12.) Once the State of Wisconsin Joint Sovereignty Resolution with ARREST Provision has been sponsored and going through the stages, all forces shall commence to engage on the vital companion legislation to prepare all County Sheriff Department personnel, all State and Local Law Enforcement and all Wisconsin National Guard members to SUPPORT AND DEFEND our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws AND the incremental State nullification of all Federal spending, usurpation and Unlawful Acts of Congress and the Executive branch, from ALL enemies, both elected and their jackbooted minions of tyranny and oppression in the IRS, ATF, FBI, EPA, HHS, CFPD, DOJ, etc..., which are not granted them, by We The People or our States, under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution: a.) All Law Enforcement and National Guard units shall be provided a Constitution Course by the National Center for Constitutional Studies or by Michael Badnarik so that they all have a comprehensive and perspicacious understanding of their OATH to Support and Defend our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws and the balance of our Bill of Rights and Constitution; and, thus all incremental State nullifications. b.) The County Sheriffs shall be encouraged to facilitate a well regulated Constitutional Militia in each corner and center of his County for a minimum of five constitutional Militias in each. All Militia members shall attend a Constitution course. c.) Upon a successful graduation from the Constitution course all County Sheriff Department and State and Local Law Enforcement personnel and all Wisconsin National Guard members shall join and 13.) Commencing with field application of these laws the State Chambers shall initiate contemplation, deliberation, organization debate on which group of Federal spending and Unlawful Acts to nullify and in what orchestrated order. 14.) In conjunction with said nullifications of Federal spending shall be a corresponding quarterly incremental State nullification of all withholding taxes, all employment taxes and all income taxes. This shall eventually end with all Wisconsin Middle Class paychecks being doubled in size, to pay for anything We The People of Wisconsin feel WE want, need or desire from our home Country of Wisconsin or handled and paid for by ourselves, with our own GROSS wages and salaries including the additional employment taxes added on the paycheck. The balance of the Union will follow our lead, if they want FREEDOM, individual Rights, individual prosperity, a booming economy, and felicity. George Washington, the President of The Constitutional Convention, a year after he signed The Constitution, was elated to describe our form of Government as a CONFEDERATED GOVERNMENT. (Source: 1788 Letter to Sir Edward Newenham; Fitzpatrick 30:72) What is the definition of Confederated Government as George Washington defined our Constitutional provisions for designing our Federal Government? The definition of a Confederated Government is one in which an alliance of independent states creates a central government of very limited power; the members states have supreme authority over all matters except those few which have been expressly delegated to the central government. The State of Wisconsin, with the balance of the Union following our lead, will dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of our elected Republican and Democrat despots and usurpers of our Bill of Rights, before they dissolve us into vassals of taxation to pay for their usurpation; N.B.C.R.; No Budget Cuts Required. Shall WE not do our duty to God, as His ordained higher powers, before our U.S. Dollar collapses and the tyrants declare martial law suspending Our Constitution indefinitely and thus give us the residue choice of only fight or surrender? - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:19:07 +0000

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