The Wisdom Why Ahlul-Sunnah are Harsh Against Ahlul-Bidah wal - TopicsExpress


The Wisdom Why Ahlul-Sunnah are Harsh Against Ahlul-Bidah wal Ah’wā ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Shaykh Muhammad ibn Hādī al-Madkhālī -------------------------------------------------- Translated by Abdur Rahman Grant ----------------------------------------- Wisdom is to place things in their rightful place, thus harshness is to be placed where Allāh has placed it and gentleness where Allāh ordered [gentleness] to be placed. Hadīth: “Indeed Allāh is rafīq [gentle], and loves rifq [gentleness] in all affairs.”[1] We are not absent minded about this fact. It [gentleness] is the foundation [of all] affairs. “And by the mercy of Allāh, you [O Muhammad] dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh ¬hearted, they would have broken away from you; so overlook [their faults], and ask [Allāhs] Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affair. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allāh, certainly, Allāh loves those who put their trust [in Him]”. [Surah Āl-Imrān 3:159] Thus, [Allāh] ordered his Messenger with this principle [gentleness], and the Qurānic verses and Prophetic narrations are numerous [in this regard], there is not enough time [to mention them all], however, if an individual comes raising his voice [with] falsehood and persistently champions falsehood, or misinterprets [the truth] in aid of falsehood, or does so [to please] its people; [because] he does not want to anger [the original] perpetrator of [this] falsehood, and as a result of this the children [people] of Ahlul-Sunnah wal Jamā’ah leave [his gatherings]. If such an impostor comes to us, what should our response [in dealing] with him be? We invite him [to the Sunnah] and we clarify [it] to him, however if he rejects the [Sunnah], then Allāh the Most High says: “O Prophet [Muhammad]! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them.” [at-Tawbah 9:73]. The people of Sunnah use [this verse which warrants] harshness against the hypocrites as an evidence for being harsh against the people of desires and innovation, due to the stark resemblance of hypocrisy and hypocritical characteristics found in both sets of people. And as such, their danger upon the Muslims is greater than that of the regular disbelievers. The danger posed by the people of innovation towards the Muslims is more serious than the danger posed by the regular disbelievers. Such are the fundamental principles [which] are historically established with the Imāms of the Sunnah. [Likewise] the danger posed by the Mumay’īn [2] to Ahlul-Sunnah – let whoever is angered by this be angry- the danger posed by the Mumay’īn to Ahlul-Sunnah is far greater and severe than the danger posed by the outright people of innovation, due to the fact that the innovator is known to us, and we are cautious of him by Allāh’s grace, however the one that makes excuses for him [the innovator] and inclines towards him lending an ear to him, is the one who is dangerous to Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamā’ah. They say Muḥammad bin Hādī says these things and says and says… [In reply] I say the [Judge] between you and me are the classical books of narrations, if you find that I have gone outside of them so much as a letter [of what the Salaf wrote] then come with it. [Furthermore] I am going to mention to you an excerpt regarding this issue, [and know that] the Mumay’īn do not like to hear this. In the first volume of Imām al-lālikāī’s P [famous compilation], wherein he mentioned the Aqīdah of Abū hātim ar-Rāzī and Abū Zur’āh ar-Rāzī he went on to mention his findings regarding the Aqīdah of Abū Ḥātim ar-Rāzī and ‘The warning of Ahlul-hadīth wa Sunnah against al-Karabīsī.’ Al-Karabīsī was a great and renowned faqī [scholar]. [However] When he wrote his book about deception [al-I’lal] and the names of the deceptive [hadīth] narrators, which was later presented to Imām Ahmad [for endorsement], his book was found to contain mistakes. He [al-Karabīsī] denied that to be the case. It was said to him: “This book [of yours] will reach Imām Ahmad [with mistakes in it]” with his denial they [his students] requested from him to retract, but he refused saying: “Show it to him [Ahmad ], a righteous man is given success to do goodness, so show it to him”. [In the end] al-Karabīsī began to warn against his companion [Imam Ahmad ] and warn against sitting with him. Abū hātim ar-Rāzī said at this point regarding the warning against al-Karabīsī and those who defend him such as Dāwūd ibn Alī al-Asbahānī –Dāwūd was the Imām of the ḍhāhirīyah school of thought, and renowned; he came to Imām Ahmad [However] Imām Ahmad refused to receive him, so Abū hātim ar-Rāzī began to criticize him [Dāwūd] very harshly due to him defending who!!?īsī. And [as for] al-Karabīsī, when Imām Amad’s speech reached him, the miskīn became arrogant and began to criticize and disparage Ahmad. I am going to mention something to you [even though] it is bitter however it is mentioned in the books of our Salaf; so it can be known who is acting blind and deaf. AlKarabīsī’s speech against Imām Ahmad was mentioned to Yahyā ibn Ma’īn , upon which he said: Look…he said: “May Allāh curse him [al-Karabīsī]” “May Allāh curse him.” We are not looking into the correctness [3] of this at the moment, but look at the harshness of who!!?…Yahyā against al-Karabīsī. He said: “May Allāh curse him; this individual deserves to be disciplined”. [This] did not harm Ahmad, and al-Karabīsī died [in such a way that] al-Khatīb [alBaghdādī] wrote in his biography –As he was a collector of hadīth and narrations- “There was not even a road leading to his [al-Karabīsīs] wake”, [meaning] the students of Sunnah and hadīth fled from him. Look at this admonition from the scholars of Sunnah upon each other. Dāwūd ibn Ali defended and made excuses for who!!?…al-Karabīsī, [so] Ahmad rejected him [Dāwūd] refusing to meet him, Abū hātim warned against him and many of the senior scholars of Sunnah at his time criticized him. What would the rank of the Mumay’īn scholars of today be with those [Mumay’īn of the past]!!? a drop in the ocean. By Allāh who so ever opposes the way of those [the Salaf] we shall certainly criticize him even if birds snatch us away or we are dangled by our heads or by our feet upside down. Do you think this religion reached us without any sacrifice [in the process]!!? By Allāh no!! By Allāh no! ! Indeed individuals [from the Salaf] were imprisoned, lashed, beaten, banished and other than that, however their books are still with us, and their radiant journals are available to us It is a must to be cautious of individuals who try to undermine the danger posed by Ahlul-Biddah and the deviants, as their danger to Ahlus-Sunnah and the Salafiyyīn is far greater than the outright Innovators. Allāh, Allāh O children [of the Sunnah], [I exhort you] to adhere to the authentic Sunnah from the Prophet and following the path that is clear and upright which the prophet left for us and his companions and those that followed them in righteousness; [such as] the Imāms of hadīth –may Allāh be pleased with them- Zuh’rī and his likes, the two Sufyāns, Mālik, Hasan ibn Sirīn, Ayūb, Ibn Asbārt, the two Hammāds, Waqī’a, Ibrahīm, Alqama, and the rest. Ahmad, al-Bukhārī, Muslim, Abu Dāwūd, at-Tirmithī, Ibn Mājah, and the rest of those who by way of themT, Allāh preserved the Sunnah of the Prophet and the narrations of his Companions may Allāh be pleased with them- So if you want to excel to the likes of their rank, and set out for supreme glory the likes of which they had, then embark upon…what?!! The ladder of tāqwa which they have erected, – I ask Allāh to make us of those who fear Him – So climb seriously and with determination like how they climbed. [Thus] Tāqwa is a must; an individual must place it between his eyes not desiring for anything except Allāh and the hereafter; not desiring a large following or boastfulness, rather desiring nothing other than Allah’s [pleasure] and the final abode. He wants salvation for himself firstly, and then for those whom Allāh places in front of him so as to sit and learn from him; at the same time he must be self disciplined and determined with firm intention, for indeed this religion came to us [in a manner] as you just heard and knowledge of it is not attained by way of relaxing. So it is upon the student of knowledge to exert all he can in order to understand the Sunnah. And it is upon him, if he hears the speech of the ignoramuses to contrast it with their [the Salafs] speech, as the principle with us is the superior principle which all of you are familiar with: Whoever is following [a particular way] then he should follow the way of those who have died [the Salaf], for indeed the living are not guaranteed safety from fitnah [misguidance]“. So one must emulate those who died upon correct guidance, as for the living, they are not guaranteed safety from fitnah [misguidance] Footnotes 1.See al-Bukharī, Sahīh [no.634 Answer] 2 [TN]: Lit, to water down. This is the methodology of diluting and softening the position of Ahlus-Sunnah towards the people of innovation. Such as the false principles that Abūl-Hasan and ar-Aroor invented to destroy the SalafīManhaj
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:56:36 +0000

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