The Wonderful of School Jelena Chapter 1 The setting is on a - TopicsExpress


The Wonderful of School Jelena Chapter 1 The setting is on a Fri morning: Rosie: *gets ready for school and then goes outside and waits at the bus stop for the first day of school* Alex: *packing lunch* Miley: *Running down the stairs screaming* I’M READY Justin Bieber: *arrives at school and opens office Alex: *goes outside and sits on curb* Rosie: *gets on the bus* Carter: *gets on the bus* Alex: *gets on the bus* Taylor: *starts walking to school* Miley: *goes to school and is excited* Mona: *lost and confused and walks to school* Taylor: *Almost at school texts Justin saying sup?* Mona: *walks to school* Miley: *Gets to school with Selena and says was up Hey!!!??? To Justin* Alex: *gets to school* Hi? Taylor: *at school sees Justin and starts talking to him* Carter: *gets to school and bumps into Alex Russo* oh sorry Miley: *gets to the school* Hey! Rosie: *gets to school and is scared and only knows Alex and I go and find Alex. Me and Alex known each other ever since we been in school* hey sissy Miley: *Gets to first period and takes books out* Rosie: Alex what period do u have Mrs. Gomez I have her 1st period *I’m in 12th grade* Alex: 1st *brings all books to class* Rosie: yeaaa at least we have class together Alex: and its fine lol yea! Rosie: *gets in class and saves a seat for alex* Taylor: *says see ya later to Justin and starts walking away and bumps into 1 of Justins sisters, Carter* Heyy Carter Alex: Thanks Rosie *sits down* Rosie: ur welcome sissy Justin Bieber: *Gets ready for school and for any kids to come in* Alex: *nervous* Carter: *walks to the class room* Rosie: sissy i hope our teacher dont show up today Mona: *walks into class* Taylor: *walks into math class* Mona: Hope we have a sub today Taylor: *math class starts* Carter: *sitting* Rosie: sissy we should throw a party Miley: *silence* Alex: We should Rosie: *throws a party since there are no teachers in the classroom and has the music loud* Carter: *sits there not doing anything cause isnt wanting to get in trouble and wants to be a good student* Alex: *dancing* Rosie: *dancing with Alex and not caring who is around* Alex: Lol this is fun Rosie: yes it is Alex: *eats a cookie* here sissy anyone want a cookie? *hands Rosie one* Justin Bieber: *Walks into room and sees party* Kids quiet down now, this is school not a party house! Rosie: thanks *eats cookie* Carter: *siting there like a good student* Alex: Welcome and ugh! -_- Taylor: *sitting in math class hears on the P.A Taylor you are wanted to the principal’s office, Taylor you are wanted to the principal’s office. That’s all* Rosie: *turns around and sees Justin Bieber and I didnt know he was our principle and i start freaking out* Miley: OMFG JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!! I love you!! Alex: *Still eating a cookie* Justin Bieber: Hi Girls how are you Rosie: *runs up to JB and hugs him* I love u so much can u sign my shirt? Carter: *siting there reading a book and chewing gum* Miley: HEY I KNOW U XDDD Justin Bieber: Sure Rosie *signs Rosie’s shirt* Mona: *stands speechless* You’re my boyfriend. Did I say that out loud? Taylor: *just standing there next to Justin* Rosie: thanks i love you so much ur the best pop signer ever Mona: I agree Justin Bieber: Thanks Rosie Im just me now its school time you girls need to make sure youre ready to learn your teacher is here now Carter: *reading waiting on the teacher to come* Mona: Justin can you please sign my face? Rosie: Selena is not here Taylor: *Says to Justin after the girls leave you wanted to see me?* Mona: Yeah where is she Rosie: idk and as long as she isnt in here we can put the party back on Mona: Hahahahaha Rosie: *starts dancing and has the music loud again* Taylor: *Still waiting for Justin to answer the question* Mona: *Dancing to the jams* Alex: *dancing* Mona: *sings along to the song* Carter: *siting there reading for when the teacher comes* Justin Bieber: And yes Taylor I just wanted to say have a good year and make sure you and your friends are good girls Mona: *sits in seat like a normal student* Alex: *eats candy* Carter: *reading like a good student* Rosie: *singing to the music since the teacher is running really late* Taylor: oh okay and yes we will try Alex: -_- Rosie: what’s wrong Alex? Mona: *asks Justin to teach me how to dance* Alex: I bit my tongue Carter: *reading* Rosie: am srry sissy Alex: its okay *Sneaks into hallway* Mona: *trips over chair* Rosie: *leaves the classroom and runs down the hall to the bathroom* Mona: Im okay!!! Ouch. *limps to the bathroom* Carter: *reading* Mona: Ow.... Ow..... Ow.... Ow.... Ouch.... Alex: *goes to bathroom and gets dressed in black clothes, and puts red and black make-up on* Rosie: Mona are u ok? *gets done and sees Alex* ohh pretty sissy where are u heading too? Mona: Im fine...... Ouch!! No Im not Rosie: What happened? Selena: I wanna go to vegas so I can meet my idol criss Mona: Well I was dancing and I tripped over a chair. Im such a cluts Rosie: *hears the bell ring to go to 2nd period* awaw good luck sissy and mona awww i hope ur ok Alex: I know how you feel mona and thanks. Rosie: ur welcome uggg i hate 2nd period its math class Alex: *grabs stuff and heads to 2nd period. People ask me why I changed outfits* Mona: Crap!!! Ouch!!!! Ouch! Ouch! *limps to class* Carter: *reading in 2nd period* Taylor: *walking to next class* Alex: *eating candy* Mona: *limps to math class* sorry im late! My leg is... Ouch….Its in some pain Alex: UGH I wanna go to Vegas Rosie: *is called to the front of class to do math problems on the board* Alex: *laughing* Taylor: Im bored when is school going to be over?? Mona: Can I please go to the nurse or something? Akex: Ill take you if you want mona Math Teacher: ur hw will be the problems on the board Rosie: *gets the practice answers right* Mona: OMG would you? Thanks Alex: Yes and welcome. *Asks teacher if I can* Math Teacher: Mona yes u can see the nurse Rosie: *writes down the stupid math hw* Taylor: *Im gonna ditch next class anyone wanna ditch with me?* Akex: *takes Mona to the nurse* and Yea^ Mona: Thank you. Ouch ouch ouch ouch....., *limps to the nurse with a little help from Alex* Alex: *gets there to the nurse* Rosie: ill want to skip next class Math Teacher: ur welcome mona Mona: *gets to the nurse* um I tripped over a chair and my leg is in sincere pain Taylor: What should we do when we ditch next class? Mona: *alex helps me sit in a chair* Alex: *Stands up straight* I hope your okay Mona: Wait Alex you cant leave. Stay please Taylor: schools sooo boring Alex: I wont I will stay Mona: Yay. I mean thanks Alex: Welcome lol Taylor: *falls asleep in class* Nurse: let me have a look at that leg *gently touches Mona’s leg* Mona: Ouch!!! Nurse: mmmmmmhmmmmmm looks like your gonna need to go to the hospital. Whats your parent’s number? I have to tell them you’re going to the hospital. Rosie: *bell rings for 3rd period and Rosie wakes up Taylor* Mona: Whats wrong with my leg? Alex: OMG! Should I go with her? Taylor: Thanks for waking me up Rosie Austin: *Gets to school* Rosie: *skips 3rd period which is English* ur welcome Taylor Nurse: if you want you can but Mona your leg might be broken. Austin: Sorry Im late slept to long Alex: Mona do you want me to go with you? Mona:*looks at alex* broken? How can it be broken from a little trip? I doubt my sister would come so yeah can you? Austin: *Falls asleep in class* Alex: Sure Mona: Thank you Alex. I owe you one Alex: Welcome and awe no you dont Austin: Carter wheres Mona? Mona:*nurse calls the ambulance* Taylor: I love how Austin is late for school yet he still falls asleep in class Austin: Yeah my stupid clock didnt go off lol Taylor: Lol Austin: So wheres Mona Mona: *leaves the school with Alex in the ambulance * Austin: *Calls Carters cell* Alex: I wonder if people are looking for us Mona: Yeah same here. Wish my sister couldve showed up though. Alex: Whos your sister? Mona: Ms. Gomez Alex: oh cool Mona: Yeah. Rosie: *is hanging out with Taylor in the lunch room* Taylor: I wonder what theyre doing in class lol Mona: Ugh!!!! When are we gonna get to the hospital Austin: Taylor wheres Mona and Alex. *Eating lunch* Who wants to ditch next? Alex: *Calls Rosie* Taylor: Idk were they r Austin and Ill skip with u Alex: *Calls Austin* Mona: Who are you calling? Austin: Awesome hold Im gonna answer this. Hello Hey Alex were are you?” Alex: Hello I am in an ambulance with Mona Austin: Why what happened Alex: Mona tripped over a chair and the nurse said we had to go to the hospital Austin: Oh I hope she didnt break it tell her I hope shes ok Taylor: Soo Austin what do u want to do? Alex: ok and same *Talks to Mona* Austin said he hopes you didnt break your leg Mona: Awww tell him I said thanks. Austin: Hmm what do you wanna do Taylor: Idk its up to u Alex: She said thanks Austin Austin: Idk Alex: *hangs up and arrives at the hospital Taylor: How about we go to the lunch room? Mona: Finally Alex: ikr Austin: K. *Walks with Taylor to the lunch room* Mona: *goes into hospital and takes an x-Ray Alex: *Nervous* Taylor: So Austin hows your gf? Austin: Idk shes not answering my calls Doctor- hmmm its not that bad just a little fracture. Well give you something for the pain and throw on a cast. If its still fatal you might need surgery. Alex: :/ Mona: Surgery?!!!!! Alex: Im sooo sorry Mona. Ill call Selena. *Calls Selena* Mona: No dont call her she will freak Austin: *Calls Alex* Taylor: Oh that sucks Austin Austin: Yeah Alex: *Answers the phone* Hello Austin: So what did the doc say Alex: She has a fracture. Austin: Omg from tripping on a chair, hope she wont need surgery Alex: They said she might need it. Austin: Omg Alex: yea Austin: Taylor Mona might need surgery Alex: Austin do not tell Selena! Austin: How long till school ends Austin: Taylor wanna see Mona after school Alex: I need someone to get my plymouth fury from my house Mona: Ask AUSTIN Alex: Austin??? You still on Austin: Alex were do you want me to park it Alex: in the guest garage and if you have to pay ill pay you back Austin: K and no need Alex: ok are you sure? Austin: Yeah Alex: ok i dont mind though but ok Austin: Done there you go Alex: thanks Austin: Welcome, and nice car Alex: thanks lol Austin: :) *Looking at Alexs car* Alex: I named it Christine after the movie Christine Austin: Well Christine is a beauty Alex: lol thanks boy Mona, want anything from the cafetiera Mona: No thanks Im good Austin: Mona does your leg still hurt? Mona: Yeah I think I need a ice pack or something Austin: Ill go get u one Mona: Thanks Austin Austin: Welcome and here u go *hands Mona a ice pack* next you should use heat Mona: Lol yeah maybe Austin: Wheres Alex she disappeared or something Mona: She went to the cafeteria Austin: Oh ok now Im hungry want me to get you anything Alex: *Gets an ice pack, drinks, and some fruit* Here is the ice pack help yourself hey Austin! Mona: Thanks Austin: Hey Alex whats for lunch Alex: Um what do you want for lunch? Austin: Idk Mona: Unlike you guys I want nothing Alex: you sure mona? I have fruit for everyone to share until someone wants something Austin: Are you sure you’re not hungry? Mona: I’m good Austin: K let me know when you need something Mona: I just wanna get out of this hospital Austin: I will ask the doc when we can take you home Alex: *nervous still* Austin: The doc said u can leave in 10 min Alex: *parents call* Ugh dang it Mona: Come on let’s go home. Alex, and Austin thanks Alex: Welcome happy to help. Mona: Later guys. Thanks Alex: welcome. Dr: Mrs. Mona youll need to come back in 4 hours to get your cast Alex: Ill stay up and come back with her Mona: 4 hours?! I mind as well just stay. Its like 7pm Austin: Ill stay too Alex: Ill stay but I gotta go home and tell my mom what’s up and i gotta get my phone charger so Ill be right back *leaves and gets in fury and heads home* Mona: Awww thanks guys. Austin: *Calls parents* Alex’s Mom: You’re not staying at the hospital no way. Alex: Yes I am I am 17 years old and I am a senior. Alex’s Mom: You leave and you’re grounded. Alex: Fine! *Gets charger and clothes and leaves by slamming the door and gets back to the hospital* Sorry I am late my mom was being a jerk as usual to me Austin: *On Phone: Hey mom Im gonna be about 6 hours* Mona: No prob. Austin: Mona you hungry yet Mona: No a little tired Austin: Well take a nap and I’ll let you know when the doc wants you Mona: Okay Austin: Alex Alex: yes Austin: Whered you get Plymouth fury Alex: ebay i bidded 24k on it lol Austin: Cool Alex: lol Austin: lol Alex: Anyway when do you go home? Im gonna get grounded when my mom doesnt realize I am 17 and a senior Austin: Im going home when Mona gets to Alex: same I wonder if Justin knows Austin: Omg we still havent told him Alex: OMG. oops Austin: *Calls Justin* Hes not answering Alex: oh Roise: *Calls Alex back* srry I was busy I seen u called? Austin: Hey Rosie Taylor: Hey Rosie and Austin Alex: *Sitting in a chair* Rosie: Hey Austin where were u today? Austin: Slept to long , but right now Im sitting next Mona in the hospital waiting for the doc Mom Alex’s: *calls Alex* Get home now Alex: No you cant make me bye! *Hangs up* Rosie: Hey Taylor...what happen to Mona Austin Taylor: Im sorry Rosie but idk what happened to them Alex: I am gonna go sleep in my car Austin. *Goes to car and lies in it* Selena:*text Rosie* Hey Austin: Rosie if your wondering what happened Mona fractured her leg and were gonna be here for 6 hours Taylor: Guys i just got a new car!! its a purple Ferrari Rosie: *text back* hey Selena where were u today nobody sub in for u today Selena: *Text back* I was sick and forgot to call in. Do u know where Mona is? Austin: Ah! u got a Ferrari Alex: *sits in car alone* Austin: Me and Mona are at the hospital. Taylor: Austin is she alright?!?! Alex’s Mom: *calls Alex* Get home now! Alex: NO. Im busy BYE *Hangs up* Austin: Yeah she just fractured her leg and were gonna be awhile till 2 am Taylor: She fractured her leg?!? she just tripped over a chair!! Rosie: *txt Selena back* yea she is in the hops. and im on my way up to see ur sister Selena: *Texts rosie* Why is my sis in the hospital? Why wasnt I told? Austin: I know, she might need surgery Taylor: Omg this is really serious!! Austin: When you get here be quiet she sleeping Taylor: Im on my way to see her too!! Austin: K but she really tired so dont wake her Taylor: Ok *just left to go to the hospital* Selena: *Leaves to go to Hospital* Taylor: *almost at hospital* Selana: *Arrives at hospital* Taylor: Selena dont be loud *Arrives at hospital* Selena: Ok Taylor: *walks inside* Selena: What happened to Mona? Rosie: *txt Selena* I just found out and she fracted her leg by tripping over a chair in ur class Austin: She tripped on a chair Taylor: *txt Austin* where are you? Selena: Well crap. How did she manage to do that? Rosie: She was dancing cause i throw a party in ur class Austin: Idk and were in room 232 Taylor: *Txt Austin* kk *walks to room 232* Selena: Rosie why in gods name did u throw a party in my class?? Good lord child Taylor: That’s exactly what i was thinking Austin: Me 2 Selena: Why didnt you guys stop her? Taylor: I wasnt in the same class. Austin: Well its kinda hard to when were all dancing Selena: I dont care anymore. What happened to her leg that got her here? Broke or fractured? Austin: Apparently fractured Selena: at least it isnt broken. Austin: But she still might need surgery Taylor: She might need surgery Selena: Why would she need surgery. Its just fractured Rosie: *at hops.* i throw a party cause no teachers were in the room and i was thinking i could get away with it Austin: The fracture might be a little worse than we know we have to wait to do X-rays which will take 6 hours Selena: Arg. Ok Taylor: ^ hours?!?! really that long?!? Austin: Yeah and then 30 min to put cast on Taylor: I really hope she doesnt have surgery Austin: Me to Rosie: me 3 Austin: Well I’m going nap in my car Taylor: Me too Rosie: ok Taylor: Well Im gonna nap in my car not yours Austin lol Austin: LOL Justin M: ROFL so i was telling u didnt she trip over her chair? Taylor: *doing hw* Rosie: *i skipped all but the first two classes doing math hw* Austin: I skipped all but English Justin M: U guys skipped and have hw? Taylor: I skipped all but math so Im doing math homework Rosie: Justin M yea i have math hw since i didnt skip that class My Classes: Mrs. Gomez- Jelena 1st period Math 2nd period English 3rd period Civits 4th period Science 5th period 3rd lunch Childcare 6th period Piano 7th period Any Classes together? Taylor: All but Childcare and piano Austin: Same Rosie: at least I have u guys all but the last two classes Justin M: yea Rosie: Justin u have the same schedule as me? Justin M: yes Rosie: *its 12am and its a sun* boo tomorrow is school again i hope no one knows we skipped classes Austin: yea me 2 Justin M: yea maybe we could skip classes tomorrow Rosie: Justin bad idea since we skipped fri im not skipping tomorrow srry Justin M: well im going to play some billiard with my friends after school so if u wanna came by Rosie: I will if I don’t get in trouble Justin M: anyways i maybe not skip all classes Austin: same Justin M: but im definitely skipping math Austin: same Rosie: u guys are bad lol Austin: lol Justin M: the gym is close from the school maybe we could go in the math class lol Rosie: Justin I went in the gym fri Justin M: i go every day so you not coming? Rosie: not tomorrow srry Austin: The doc better say her leg doesnt need surg Justin M: i think she broke it Austin: :’( Taylor: I’m skipping all my classes Austin: Well if you are I am Justin M: this doc better fix her leg Taylor: So Austin youre gonna skip with me? Justin M: IM SKIPPIN WITH ANYBODY WHO WANTS TO SKIP Austin: Yeah, and its getting cold In my car Im coming back to the room Yes Taylor: me too Rosie: *goes to sleep* Austin: *walking back to the room* Taylor: *in room* Austin: Wow Mona is a heavy sleeper Hey Tay Taylor: Heyy Austin yeah she is a heavy sleeper Austin: What time is it Taylor: Idk Austin: K….Yall hungry…Ok guess not Im gonna go get food Mona: How about we go swimming with some sharks Austin: What kind of sharks Justin M: aint that dangerous or what but i LOVE the idea white sharks may be good Mona: Omg you are a risk taker Justin M: Thank-you it’s one of my hobbies Mona: The most dangerous sharks on the planet. And Justin can go swimming first just to test it Justin M: i can test them Austin: Yeah Justin M: i wanna back flip up wards the sharks Mona: I feel so idk risky WTF are you CRAZY?!!!!!! Austin: Yes he is Justin M: nah its easy i dont think selena wants to come u know Austin: Youve done it before Justin M: yea maybe like 4 or 5 times Austin: Lol Justin M: i once did bungee jumping and the rope cut but thank God i was doing it on a river so i fell in the water it was awesome Austin: Youd still be dead Mona: Wait what about Selena? Justin M: i would not its water and selena might not come cause of danger Austin: Is she gonna swim with sharks or not Justin M: maybe we could so play some basketball Mona: Hahaha hey shes my sis same here Austin: We forgot to go to school guys Justin M: i didnt i went but in the math period i went to the gym Mona: I have a cast on that my excuse Justin M: so i was so lazy to go to school again so i stayed in the gym yea u do and i have a gym to go to Mona: Lol Justin M: thats an excuse Mona: Lol Justin M: but even if selena doesnt wanna go too what will we gonna do? Mona: Im not! Austin: How about skubadiving Mona: Even more funny Justin M: u know its a good idea but itll be better if there were whales Mona: Not to me Justin M: dont tell me whales are dangerous they dont eat us Austin: or bowling some of them do Mona: Killer whales yeah Justin M: we won’t bring them cause they are killer whales duh BOWLING
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:33:16 +0000

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