The Woods Youre taking a shortcut through the forest late at - TopicsExpress


The Woods Youre taking a shortcut through the forest late at night, you pass a lamppost as you enter the dense forest having only a flashlight and a narrow path to guide you safely home. You see a grey sheet of paper crudely nailed to a tree but its too dark to see whats been scrawled onto it. So you just continue along the path and try to find a way to pass the time, and thats when you feel it. Someones following you, you dismiss that feeling as just being a bit spooked because of a few scary stories youve heard and continue at your average pace. Then your ears start ringing loudly nearly making you fall to your knees in pain. You dont look behind you or over your shoulder all you can do is run as fast as your legs can carry you. You keep running your heart hammering in your chest and your lungs struggling to keep the air youre inhaling while fleeing for your life. An icy chill lashes at your neck and thats when you peek over your shoulder and see a black tendril reaching for you, trying to ensnare you and capture you. As you crane your head forward you crash into something and fall on your back dropping your flashlight, looking forward you see two tall and thin black trees. Looking higher up however you notice the seem of a suit and higher up buttons. You dont want to look any further upward but youre unable to stop yourself. The static assaults your ears again and this time you can feel your ears start to bleed. As you cup your bleeding ears a white and featureless face kneels to meet your terrified eyes. Everything goes black....... Just something I wrote on a rainy day
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 03:41:20 +0000

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