The Word Is Your Evidence Now faith is the substance of things - TopicsExpress


The Word Is Your Evidence Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). One of those peculiar rules and requirements of effectual prayers is that you present the Word of God as your evidence. This is one of the reasons you should constantly study God’s Word; the Word is the evidence you need to lay claims to your inheritance in Christ. If you were told to prove your ownership to a piece of land, for instance, you wouldn’t set out to move the property from its location to show anyone making such enquiry, would you? Rather, you’d simply produce the “evidence” or “title deed” to the property. In the Amplified version, faith is defined as “…the assurance (the confirmation, THE TITLE DEED) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see {and} the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]” (Hebrews 11:1). When you seek to effect changes through the prayer of faith, you must be spiritually alert to recognize the evidence the Holy Spirit is bringing to your awareness. Sometimes, He could lead you to study a particular verse of the Bible, or impress certain scriptures in your spirit; meditate and pray with those scriptures. In addition, you could have a note of victory in your inner-man through a word of prophecy. The word may not necessarily come from someone else; the Holy Spirit can simply grant you the utterance as you pray, or bring a song to your spirit that causes great rejoicing within you. Never let go of such words, for they’re the evidence of your victory. Meditate on them; talk them; be bold to let others know what you’ve received, and act accordingly. For someone who perhaps has been sick, and had prayed to be healed, he would need to look to the Word for the evidence of his healing. Study the Word of God and find out what He has said about your peculiar situation today. When you’ve located the evidence, use it! Prayer Dear Father, I rejoice in your Word that imparts faith to my spirit, causing me to see and apprehend my inheritance in Christ. I function in the dominion of the Spirit today, conscious that all things are mine, in the Name of the Lord, Jesus. FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 41:21; Hosea 14:2 DAILY SCRIPTURE READING 1 Year Bible reading plan: John 1:19-51; 2 Samuel 18-19 2 Year Bible reading plan: Mark 8:1-9; Number 7
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:41:59 +0000

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