The Word SHIRK In Islamic Terminology means Associating - TopicsExpress


The Word SHIRK In Islamic Terminology means Associating Partners with Al -Mighty Allah(SWT),Or using ANYTHING as an INTERMEDIATE to reach ur Creator, This is the GREATEST SIN EVER Created By The Children of Adam (As) and its not JEST!!!!!... Allah(SWT) DO NOT FORGIVE SUCH PEOPLE!!,EVEN IN THEIR GRAVE,UNLESS OF CAUSE THEY REPENT WHILE ALIVE!!!! In fact HE ordered all the Prophets NOT TO SAY PRAYER FOR SUCH PEOPLE!!!!,let me set the record straight THE INTERSESSION ON THE DAY OF QIYAMAH BY RASOOLU ALLAH(SAW) IS DIFFERENT ...Some Muslims May Not Understand HOW SERIOUS THIS IS SO THEY TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!!!.....Assuming we had a Picture of the Prophet Muhammed (saw) today, and we Pray through that!!,We seek refuge through that!!, ITS STILL SHIRK!!!!!!!....We are Ordered to LOVE Prophet Muhammed(saw) More then Our-souls!!! and Send Praises Towards Him, BUT NOT PRAY THROUGH HIM TO ALLAH(SWT)!!!!...So i ask you doing this reading, WHY DO YOU TAKE REFUGE FROM THE RINGS ON UR FINGER ?????? THE PICTURE IN UR CARS OR AT HOME ??????, THE PICTURE ON UR NECK OR THE T SHIRT ????,THE THING AROUND UR WASTE ???? ETC,.could it be we dont UNDERSTAND THE word REFUGE ??? or perhaps IGNORANT!!!!.....Please do not SEEK anything from Allah(SWT) through Muhammed(saw), THAT IS SHIRK, if you wish to seek anything from Allah(SWT) do it STRAIGHT TO ALLAH(SWT),or you can say OH ALLLAH IF YOU KNOW I LOVE YOUR PROPHET(SAW),PLEASE GRANT ME THIS OR THAT but do not say BECAUSE OF MUHAMMED(SAW) I NEED THIS OR THAT or OH ALLAH, IN MUHAMMED(SAW) LOVE I NEED THIS OR THAT that is Kufur......Some of you may not understand me because its a THREAT TO YOUR BELIEF,how could u understand when UV STOPPED URSELF FROM REALIZING THE TRUTH ???
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:46:43 +0000

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