The Word (the Spoken Voice of God the Father) is the Power Who - TopicsExpress


The Word (the Spoken Voice of God the Father) is the Power Who created all things, when the Father spoke Him forth out of the abundance of the Fathers heart. The Same VOICE Whom Adam heard walking in the cool of the garden (Gen. 3; eight). The Same VOICE Who spoke to us through Jesus (John 6; 63), the Same Voice Who lives in our soul (in us as a living soul Gen. 2; 7) Who speaks directly to our soul from the Father in Heaven above. The Same Word (Gods Voice, Creator of all things) Who is the Lord of ALL (Acts 10; 36, 37) and the Lord of all lords (Rev. 19; 13, 16), Who is able to save our soul (to save us) (James 1; 21), by Whom we are born again (1 Peter 1; 23, James 1; 18). The Same Word (God the Fathers Voice) Whom God sent and continues to send to heal and deliver us (Psalms 107; 20), Whom we have hid in our heart that we might sin against God (Psalms 119; 11). Christ (the Word Who is God John 1; 1, 2, and Who is the Son of God, the Second Person Who bears record in Heaven 1 John 5; 7 kjv) is the Power of God (1 Cor. 1; 24) Who created the worlds and all things (Psalms 33; 6, John 1; 1- 3, Heb. 1; 2, 3) By and For Himself (Col. 1; 25- 27), in Whom we do live (Luke 4; 4), move, BREATHE (have our very breath of life Who causes us to become and to remain a living soul) and have our being (Acts 17; 24, 25, 28). This same Word (Christ the Voice of God the Father) is the Life (John 14; 6, John 6; 63) Who is the Light (John Eight; 12, John 9; 5) Who is WITHIN us (John 1; 1, 4, 9, Eph. 3; 17, Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, 29), even as His Kingdom (His Eternal Supreme Reign, Rule, Power, Control, Dominion and Authority) is WITHIN US (Luke 17; 21). Seek Them First diligently, both day and night, until you find Them WITHIN yourself, for they who seek diligently will find. Then They Whom you seek shall be added unto you, and when you sacrifice and surrender all to The and for Them, then you shall be added unto Them as well ! Know you not that YOU are the temple, the Holy Dwelling Place, of God (of 1 John 5; 7 kjv, The Father, Christ the Word/Gods Only Son, and the Holy Spirit), for it is They Who said in (Gen. 1; 26, 27), Let (US/Plural) make man ( a living soul or a spirit being born of the Spirit John 3; 5 - 7, for they who are born of the Spirit are themselves a spirit), in (OUR/Plural) image and after (OUR/Plural) likeness. Even as Jesus the Second Adam was the fullness of the Godhead (of the Father, the Word/Gods Son, and the Holy Spirit) bodily (Col. 2; 9), even so the first Adam was before he sin and fell ! And we are to be conformed to the image and likeness of Gods Dear Son (Romans Eight; 28- 30). We too are to be the fullness of this same Godhead, of the exact Same Father, Word and Holy Spirit Who created us in Their image and after Their likeness, because only They Themselves, lives, dwells and remains in us, and No Longer we ourselves (Gal. 2; 20). For we have died to self or to the flesh and the lusts thereof, and are now alive unto Christ, unto the Word Who is God, unto God Who is a Spirit (John 4; 24). Who mortifies, kills, crucifies, puts to permanent rest the lusts of our flesh (Romans Eight 13 ), So we do not obey or fulfill the Lusts of our flesh (Gal. 5; 16). If Christ (The Word, the Voice of God the Father) and the Father Himself are one, and They are One with the Holy Spirit, then IF we are the fullness of the Word, then are we also the fullness of God the Father and the Holy Spirit also. So we become and remain to be the Word Who is God and the Son of God in the LIKENESS of Our sinful flesh (Romans Eight; 3), in the Likeness of we ourselves as but men (Phil. 2; 6 - eight, Numbers 23; 19, Mal. 3; 6, 1 Tim. 3; 16, Romans 1; 123 - 25). God (the Father, the Word John 1; 1, Gods Son, and The Holy Spirit) are the One and Only God, What the Bible calls and refers to as the Godhead. This One and Only God NEVER changes, but ALWAYS remains the Same (Heb. 13; eight). If one part of the Godhead changes, then the whole part of the Godhead changes, for these Three are One ! This One and Only God, the Fullness of the Godhead (of the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit) Who created the world and all things (John 1; 1- 3) Who was in the world (1 John 1; 1, 2, Acts 10; 36, 37, 1 Tim. 3; 16 ) Whom the world knew not and received not (John 1; 10, 11, Acts 17; 23, 24 ) is a Spirit (John 4; 24) Who has NOT flesh and bones as we saw Jesus (the man or son of man whom God is NOT Numbers 23; 19) have (Luke 24; 39). For the Spirit (God Who was manifested among us IN the LIKENESS of sinful flesh) and the flesh (that God Who is a Spirit was manifested in) are contrary to (the opposite of) one another (Gal. 5; 17) and do persecute or wars against one another (Gal. 4; 29). God Who is a Spirit Who was manifested in the LIKENESS of sinful flesh, the flesh body He was in fully (Col. 2; 9) cannot please God (Romans Eight; eight) and is NOT a child of God (is NOT the Only Begotten Son of God, Romans 9; eight). Gods Only Begotten Son was, is and will forever be the Word Who was manifested among us, NOT the flesh body or the man or son of man He was manifested in and through (John 6; 63). We know that He became like unto us, and we know that we are NOT our flesh body. For if we were our flesh body, then we could NOT be absent from it, in order to be present with the Lord. So we are men so ignorant and arrogant, to make God (the Word/Gods Son) into the flesh body that He dwelt in the LIKENESS of ? To do this makes Him Not like us, but something else ! ALL flesh (even that of Jesus) will be handed over to the devil for destruction by God so the Spirit (the soul) might be saved (1 Cor. 5; 5), because flesh and blood cannot inherit, see nor enter into the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15; 50) that is WITHIN you (Luke 17; 21). Only you as a living soul or a spirit being, being born of the Spirit, can enter into His Spiritual Kingdom that is WITHIN your soul or self. You are as the temple that God built. There is the outer court, that is your flesh body, that is forbidden to enter into your inner court which is you as a living soul or a spirit being. Then there is the inner court which is you yourself as a living soul or a spirit being, the High priest who alone is allowed to enter the place of the holy of holies. Then there is the Holy of Holies within the inner court, within you, that is the Kingdom of God that is Within you.. And at the very center of the Kingdom of God that is Within you, is God the King Himself, is the Word Who is God (John 1; 1, 2) and Who is the King of all kings (Rev. 19; 13, 16) and Who is the Life and the Light in and of your soul (John 1; 1, 4, 9, Eph. 3; 17, Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, 29) ! Gods Son Who is the Word Who is God, is eternal and CANNOT pass away or die (Matthew 24; 35) ! It was NOT the Word Who is God and the Only Begotten Son of God Who died to pay for our sins ! He is the one that the flesh body of Jesus and Jesus as a man or the son of man, as a living soul, died for ! He Who died for our sins was NOT God (the Word/Gods Only Son), but was Jesus as a man or the son of man, both body and soul ! It is the Spirit (God the Word, the Power of God) Who raised up Jesus the man or son of man from hell and the grave, not Jesus Himself as a man or the son of man ! It is written, this Same Spirit (God John 4; 24, the Word John ;1 , 2, Who is the Resurrection and Life John 11; 25) Who raised up Jesus, shall also raise up you on the last day ! Jesus the man or son of man (as a living soul, even as we are a living soul) and his flesh body, died to pay for the sins of the flesh and for the sins of every living soul, but God Who is a Spirit raised Him back up, because of His faithfulness to the Spirit, even unto the death of his flesh. Let us look at the example of Abraham. God asked Abraham to prove his love to God, by offering his only begotten son as a sacrifice. But right before Abraham was going to sacrifice his only begotten son, God the Father provided for him a ram to take the place of his only begotten son. Even so with Jesus. God offered us His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for us, but the lamb that God provided in place of His Son is Jesus the man or the son of man, Who was slain from before the foundation of the world. Slain in the Spirit, in God, in the Word ! Gods Son is the Word Who is God Who created the worlds and all things (John 1; 1- 3, Col. 1; 15 - 17, Heb. 1; 2, 3, Psalms 33; 6), in Whom we do live, move, breathe and have our being (Acts 17; 24, 25, 28). If God the Word Whom God sent unto us (1` John 1; 1, 2, Acts 10; 36, 37) died for our sins, and laid dead for three days, then for three days all would have ceased to live, move, breathe and have their being, which Never happened, when Jesus the man of son of man died for us. Selah ! Think about it ! God CANNOT change (Mal. 3; 6) and God is eternal and CANNOT die ! If God died, then God Who changes NOT, had to change, which would turn the Truth of the Scriptures into a lie ! And God CANNOT lie ! Let God be true and every man a liar ! There is Only One God and NONE else (Isa. 45; 5, 6) and this One and Only God is Eternal. If the Word Whom God sent unto us died, and He is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, then the Whole Godhead had to die also. For these Three are One ! Without God for 3 days, while the flesh body of Jesus laid in the grave for 3 days, and the soul of Jesus in hell for 3 days ALL things would have simple vanished and been no more, until after the third day, when the Spirit (God the Word) raised his soul up from hell, and his flesh body from the grave. Again, think about it ! ... ... ...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:15:50 +0000

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