The World in Upheaval, 3000 B.C.E.: Velikovsky Vindicated ~ - TopicsExpress


The World in Upheaval, 3000 B.C.E.: Velikovsky Vindicated ~ Extraordinary things were happening on our planet 5,000 years ago. There was a major climate change, and flooding, and this was followed by the rise of advanced civilisations. However, there is another fascinating side to this story and it’s been a major influence on many aspects of human life ever since. Climate change and flooding The Quelccaya Ice Cap, in the high Andes Mountains in Peru, is the largest glaciated region in the tropics and Lonnie Thompson, Professor of geological sciences at Ohio State, who conducted scientific research there, made the discovery that something had abruptly happened, around 5,200 years ago, and that it influenced climate over a large area. Research at other Ice Caps, around the world, have produced similar results. El Nino is a cyclical meteorological event in which a rise in the Pacific surface temperature has drastic effects on world weather and scientists have discovered that there was a major El Nino around 5,000 years ago. River Deltas began to form in different parts of the world. The present level of the Nile valley, for example, is thought to date to that time. (1) The North African eco system collapsed and the Meidob volcano in Sudan erupted. According to researcher/ scholar Thor Heyerdahl, ‘ a geological catastrophe took place in the Atlantic’ ‘ great enough to split Iceland’ (2) and in a worldwide review of raised beaches, submerged forests, and other evidence, indicates that ‘a date close to 3100 b.c.e is favoured by the sea level evidence.’ (3) The British Isles Five thousand years ago there was substantial flooding around the coasts of Britain and tree rings indicate that in Ireland and England there were massive amounts of ash in the atmosphere. Ice core recovered from Greenland’s Camp Century also indicates a ‘ large increase in falling ash worldwide in 3100 b.c.e.’ (4) There was also a change in religious beliefs and a bearded male sky-god became the focus of attention. The first phase of Stonehenge was commenced and over a thousand stone circles, probably used for religious and social purposes, began to appear in the British Isles and in lesser numbers in other countries. Important changes occurred in the Orkneys, north of Scotland, where, at Skara Brae, a new type of village community living began near a sacred area comprising two large stone circles, the enormous ‘flying-saucer’ shaped mound of Maes Howe and the amazing Ness of Brodger complex. Huge stone mounds also appeared along Europe’s Atlantic coast. Some archaeologists describe them as burial enclosures but could it be that Irish Celtic legend was nearer to the truth when it described Ireland’s famous New Grange mound as the ‘home of Old World gods.’ ( 5) The Middle East, Egypt, and Crete Around 5,000 years ago, some of the Middle Eastern peoples were on the move such as the sea-faring Phoenician master builders who settled in the Levant. Further west in the Med, the entire island of Crete was affected by a major upheaval which was so intense that its people sought refuge in caves and settled on high hills.(6) However ‘after 3000 b.c. the sea level at the eastern end of the Mediterranean dropped, or the land rose’.(7) Scholars date Egyptian civilisation to 3,100 b.c.e., when the country’s two kingdoms were united and although Egypt had no flood legend , the catastrophic events that occurred were alluded to in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. (8) The era of Malta’s main temples came to an abrupt end and amateur Maltese archaeologist, Joseph Ellul, suggested that this was caused by a massive wave of water which swept in from the Atlantic and washed away Malta’s topsoil.(9) The Sumerians The Sumerians, who arrived in Southern Iraq around 5,000 years ago, were more advanced than people already living there and civilisation rapidly took off . Villages expanded into towns and towns into cities. The Sumerians were a major influence on other cultures in the region but what was it that caused them to immigrate? Well, according to their scribes, they were survivors of the Flood and, after leaving their original homeland, they stopped at a land called Dilmun which is generally thought to be Bahrain. (10) Nobody knows where they originated. Was it a land that’s submerged beneath the Gulf or was it somewhere further away say in the direction of the Indian sub-continent ? According to the Sumerian scribes, the Flood was caused by certain divine beings called the Anunnaki, or Anannage (‘The Shining Ones’), who, many alternative scholars believe were aliens. These entities, who were first seen on the summit of a mountain, above a place called Kharsag, helped civilise man and taught people agriculture, and various useful arts. The reason why they later destroyed mankind, with a flood, was because people had become evil. Although not generally mentioned by name, but identifiable by their number and high status, the leaders of the Anunnaki were revered as gods in many early Middle Eastern cultures and in later years, various people claimed them to be the ancestors of their tribe or sometimes heroes.(11) This group of ‘gods’ appeared in Egyptian religious traditions and they were alluded to in the symbolic layout of a secret underground complex near the pyramids at Giza.(12) More on this later. One of Sumeria’s chief gods, who was claimed to be the ‘ Civiliser of Man’, was known around the world under a variety of names. According to early legends, he had the appearance of a tall white, white, bearded man and he dressed in long white robes and, sometimes, he wore white sandals. Some people said that he caused the Flood whilst others said that he helped rescue the survivors or they didn’t associate it with him. The Sumerians called him Ea, or Enki , and they showed him in the form of a horned, bearded, man. In the Babylonian Flood story he ‘preserved the seed of mankind by rescuing one man.’ (13) The Dogon, in West Africa, know him as Lebe and, like all other civilisers, he is linked with agriculture. The Egyptians called him Osiris and although they associated him with agriculture, they also made him the god of the dead and every Egyptian hoped to be united with him when they died. According to early Egyptian legends, after leaving Egypt, Osiris and his companions set off to visit other countries. The Far East China’s earliest recorded civilisation dates back 5,000 years to the Long Shan culture which spread along the Pacific coast. The Long Shan were more advanced than their predecessors and instead of scattered villages, they lived in walled towns and herded sheep, cattle, and goats. Waves of settlers began to arrive in Korea and built villages especially on the coast. Korean medicine dates back to this time as do advances in fishing and weaving. Around 5,000 years ago, some of Taiwan’s native people arrived on the island. According to the Ami tribe, their ancestors previously lived on another island, east of Taiwan, but they were blown onto its coast by a terrific storm.(14) Another Ami legend tells of a frightening time when a boiling flood occurred after an earth-opening earthquake and the eruption flooded the whole Earth .(15) According to Vaughn M Greene, ‘there are many indications that ‘China, like Japan, was visited by astronauts who set up a ruling class. In 3000 b.c. that strange period when so many ‘Gods’ were walking the earth’, he adds, ‘ a ‘bearded white’ man named ‘Tai-Ko Fe-Kee’ came to China’. Greene says that he taught the people arts and agriculture and gave them their calendar. (16) I haven’t found any mention of him anywhere else but the story is worth repeating. China also has legends of a great flood and it’s generally dated to around 4,200 years ago. However, as we have seen, there were advances in civilisation, in this region 5000 years ago, as well as in many early cultures, and they occurred in the era of the Great Flood... Continues with videos @ nexusilluminati.blogspot/2014/07/the-world-in-upheaval-3000-bce.html
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 05:05:59 +0000

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