"The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors" - refutation The - TopicsExpress


"The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors" - refutation The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors Or Christianity Before Christ is an 1875 book written by Kersey Graves. It asserts that Jesus was not an actual person, but was a creation largely b...ased on earlier stories of deities or god-men saviours who had been crucified, and descended to and ascended from the underworld. It has been noted that Graves derived "many of the most important facts collated in this work" from the comprehensive 1833 work, the Anacalypsis, by Sir Godfrey Higgins. These works thus present an early variant of what would come to be known as the Jesus myth hypothesis. is unreliable, but no comprehensive critique exists. Most scholars immediately recognize many of his findings as unsupported and dismiss Graves as useless. …: * Graves often does not distinguish his opinions and theories from what his sources and evidence actually state. * Graves often omits important sources and evidence. * Graves often mistreats in a biased or anachronistic way the sources he does use. * Graves occasionally relies on suspect sources. * Graves does little or no source analysis or formal textual criticism. * Graves’ work is totally uninformed by modern social history (a field that did not begin to be formally pursued until after World War II, i.e., after Graves died). * Graves’ conclusions and theories often far exceed what the evidence justifies, and he treats both speculations and sound theories as of equal value. * Graves often ignores important questions of chronology and the actual order of plausible historical influence, and completely disregards the methodological problems this creates. * Graves’ work lacks all humility, which is unconscionable given the great uncertainties that surround the sketchy material he had to work with. * Graves’ scholarship is obsolete, having been vastly improved upon by new methods, materials, discoveries, and textual criticism in the century since he worked. In fact, almost every historical work written before 1950 is regarded as outdated and untrustworthy by historians today. It seems unwise to rely on a book that even informed anti-Christians regard as extremely unreliable and embarrassing, especially when your eternal destiny is at stake. Freke and Gandy are also fringe authors not scholars, and their claims are unsupported in the academic world, which is hardly friendly to Christianity. creation/was-christianity-plagiarized-from-pagan-myths en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World%27s_Sixteen_Crucified_Saviors
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 06:35:52 +0000

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