The Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Unfinished Projects List This project - TopicsExpress


The Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Unfinished Projects List This project is called My Oughtabiography, it is designed to give you insight about moving on, surrendering. How do you let go? Being a go-getting type of person, control is difficult thing to relinquish. Letting go feels like giving up. Nevertheless, letting go actually means that you posses enough wisdom to part with what you can not control. More importantly, it frees up space and energy for what you can control – yourself. Let go, free yourself from everything from painful relationships to redundant material possessions, stuff that is literally overloading your progress. The ultimate letting go feat: moving on to the next act of your life and releasing what was for what is to be. Commit to owning your life and living it. Materials List: 1.Time for reflection 2.Unrestricted writing period(s) 3.Index cards and box 4.Colored pens (optional) Directions: 1. Make a list of all uncompleted projects for at least the past 10 years; if desired, you may go back farther. Develop categories that are meaningful to you such as: •Formal education/certification •Personal growth/continuing education •Creative outlet/craft projects •Books/videos •Home improvement/organization •Writing/correspondences •Physical improvement/diets •Business ventures •Old jobs/relationships •Etc. 2. For each project, record the following information: •Project Title •Project Description – Develop a meaningful description for each project. •Interest Level – State your current level of interest, i.e. some, much, little, etc. •Status Level: •Open – A project that you will actively complete within a 1-year period. For each item, set a completion or benchmark date. •Future – Set a future time to revisit the project. •Closed – In addition to a description, provide a reason for closing the project before completion. With a different colored pen, create a new positive perspective for each closed project. •Action Plan – List at least 5 actionable items associated with an Open project. 3. File all “Open” and “Future” projects into sections with the same name. Within each section, order the projects according to interest level and timeline. All “Closed” projects are to be resolved either through “file 13” or shredding.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 02:54:18 +0000

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