The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001 – 2014, by Carolta - TopicsExpress


The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001 – 2014, by Carolta Gall. It is a book and a massive investigative work revealing the dark side of the Pakistani establishment’s behavior and policy vis – vis Afghanistan. How for years the ISI kept Osama Bin Laden in a closet and allowed him to lead Al-Qaeda from Pakistan, how the Taliban were re-structured to unleash violence and terror in Afghanistan and finally what keeps Pakistan a relevant player today, is all encompassed in this book. It leaves the reader with one fundamental question: Why global power(s) tolerate such lethal Pakistani deception to continue or is Pakistan itself a global power ? Read it to find more. برگرفته شده از صحفه محترم امرالله صالح رهبر روند سبز افغانستان
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:57:57 +0000

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