The Yankees season ended on Monday night and tonight just put an - TopicsExpress


The Yankees season ended on Monday night and tonight just put an exclamation point on it. So, allow me the opportunity to vent. The current method is NOT working. They spent a TON of $ on 3 good position players, and only one was worth it (I hate to admit it, but Ellsbury is a lot of fun to watch every day, but he should be leading off). Mccann has been a disaster and Beltran is ancient (note to MLB GMs, without PEDs, 38 is now 38 again!). Aside from Gardner, the rest of the team is not good and doesnt complement itself well. Their pretty decent bullpen is spent because 80% of their starters (and 5 overall this season) have been hurt for extended periods of time. Their replacement starters have been not bad, but you cant expect scrap heap guys (Capuano, Mccarthy, etc) to give you more than 5-6 innings, thus the worn-out pen. So, what next? I would blow it up, and retool. Admit the next 3 years are gonna be rough, and drop some ticket prices. Fire the coaching staff except for Giarardi. Draft very well, and pray that all that money you spend on international signings this year pays off. They need to find 2-3 players to build around. Ellsbury is the only guy they have right now who fits that description (He MUST lead off next year). For 2015 specifically, I would trade Gardner while his stock is high (get someone with more raw power), and try to unload Mccann (sunk cost as Conor Colón Gay would say) back somewhere in the NL. They have 3 great prospects at catcher, plus Cervelli is solid for now. Id also find a home for Belran (Dont laugh, but Baltimore is gonna need a replacement for Cruz). Texeira is fine, but brittle, so you need a back up there. Id sign the Cuban (Castillo) to play 2nd (cash expense, wont cost you a prospect or a draft pick). I could live with a left hand side of the infield of Drew and Headley, because thats GREAT defense (and not big $), but you need hitting in the rest of the line up to supplement. Prado is a solid utility guy. So, you need corner outfielders with some pop in their bat (yeah, like everyone isnt looking for that). I would take the Sox approach with that, look for some older guys, bargains for 6-8 million each. Take some chances (remember 3 lean years). Maybe you get lucky while you are waiting for talent from within to develop or get closer and they make a big signing in 2016. DH? Hes tanned, rested and ready for redemption; welcome back #13!! Tanaka is another guy to build around. Shut him down right now, take another MRI in Sept, and say a rosary. BUT he can and might opt out, esp if he pitches well and/or the team sucks. I would not go after Lester or Max (3 year plan and thats a waste of $ right now). There will be other guys other years. David Robertson is prob my fav player right now, but you cant give him $15 to close on a team you dont expect to win. Let him walk and take the pick, Bettanses will be fine to close next year. Id resign McCarthy if the price is right. Id also go after cheaper journeymen who can burn innings and keep you in the game (think AJ Burnett types). Id take all the potentials from AAA, plus the guys like Phelps and Whitney and pitch them all in relief or #4 or 5 starters - give them all a year (as painful as it might get) and see what theyve got. In the meantime, draft LOTS and LOTS of pitching. Maybe 30 of the 40 picks in each of the next 2 years. Remember, it takes a lot of nos before you get to one yes. 60 pitching draft picks in the next 2 years has got to get you 4-5 decent prospects. Until baseball figures out the game post-PEDs, and juices the ball again or changes the mound, accept that the next 3 years might be lean, with a long term goal that actually looks like the 90s Yankees and not the 70s or 00s team. Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:29:29 +0000

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