The Yogas – the Disciplines – the Paths – different - TopicsExpress


The Yogas – the Disciplines – the Paths – different developmental stages understood. Brainwash Update – the Mindless Media Saturday – Saturn’s Day – January 10, 2015 Saturn – tending to responsibilities in our environments. We see each task & complete each task w/ harmony. At the end of our day, reviewing our day backward, we see that our day was good. Tending to study of the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Retraining our mind - Ray 3 of Saturn the Teacher. The Astrology Today Sun in Capricorn – gathering the Light of the Rising Sun. Moon is v/c – no connections are easy today. It’s really a day of rest, or contemplation, of completing tasks w/ harmony. The Journey to Refuge We continue to walk with Joseph, Mary & the Holy Child to the place of refuge – Egypt. The Magi Astrologer Kings returning home – to their various nations & to the people whose developmental stages they are responsible for – enlightening them – Lemurians, Atlanteans, Aryans. We are the latter, developing our minds through Raja Yoga, the present day discipline & study. Study & learning is our Refuge. The Holy CHild was taught in Egypt, the Ageless Wisdom teachings. *** Yoga – the Different Yogas - the Different Paths & Different Developmental Stages of Humanity. So we can know & understand. And “do our Work.” Quote … Raja Yoga, operating with the mind, aims at a supernormal perfection and enlargement of the capacities of the mental life and goes beyond it into the domain of the spiritual existence. SRI AUROBINDO Raja Yoga (also called Ashtanga Yoga) Minding the Mind Itself Yoga Sutras (196 teachings, guidebook) of Patanjali (sage, writer, author) - (page 120) (one of the Tibetan’s blue books) Raja – the Royal Path (Yoga) It might be of value here if we dealt with the various yogas so as to give to the student a clear concept as to their distinctions and thus cultivate his discrimination. The principal yogas are three in number, the various other so-called yogas finding their place in one of these three groups: 1. Raja Yoga - the yoga of the mind or will, 2. Bhakti Yoga - the yoga of the heart or the devotee, 3. Karma Yoga - the yoga of action. Raja Yoga stands by itself and is the king science of them all; it is the summation of all the others, it is the climax and that which completes the work of development in the human kingdom. It is the science of the mind and of the purposeful will, and brings the higher of mans sheaths in the three worlds under the subjection of the Inner Ruler. This science coordinates the entire lower threefold man, forcing him into a position where he is nothing but the vehicle for the soul, or God within. It includes the other yogas and profits by their achievements. It synthesizes the work of evolution and crowns man as king. Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion; it is the bringing into submission of all the feelings, desires and emotions, to the one beloved, seen and known in the heart. It is the sublimation of all the lower loves and the bringing captive of all longings and desire, to the one longing to know the God of love and the love of God. It was the kingly or crowning science of the last root-race, the Atlantean (the great battle of Good/Light & Evil, a race/lands destroyed by the flood, except for a few enlightened beings, taken to a place of protection by Noahs Ark), just as the science of Raja Yoga is the great science of our present Aryan civilization. Bhakti Yoga made its exponent an Arhat (Sanskrit, Pali languages – “one who has attained knowledge of the true nature of existence, one who is worthy, perfected.”) or led him to the fourth initiation. Raja Yoga makes him an adept and leads him to the portal of the fifth initiation. Both lead to liberation, for the Arhat is released from the cycle of rebirth but Raja Yoga liberates him to complete service and freedom to work as a White Magician. Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of the astral (emotional) body. Karma Yoga has a specific relation to physical plane activity, and to the working out into objective manifestation of all the inner impulses. In its ancient and simplest form it was the yoga of the third or Lemurian root race and its two best known expressions are: 1. Hatha Yoga, 2. Laya Yoga. The former (Hatha) has specifically to do with the physical body, its conscious (not subconscious and automatic) functioning and all the various practices which give man control over the different organs and the entire mechanical apparatus of the physical body. The latter (Laya) has to do with the etheric body, with the force centers or chakras [122] found in that body and with the distribution of force currents and the awakening of the serpent fire. It might be pointed out that if we divide the human torso into three departments it might be stated that: 1. Karma Yoga resulted in the awakening of the four centers below the diaphragm, 2. Bhakti Yoga resulted in their transmutation and transference into the two centers above the diaphragm, yet in the torso, the heart and the throat. 3. Raja Yoga synthesizes all the forces of the body in the head and from there distributes and controls them. Raja Yoga Raja Yoga, which Patanjali primarily deals with, includes the effects of all the others. It is only possible when the others have been worked with, but not in the sense of working with them in this life. Raja Yoga builds the mind with Truth. It awakens the latent mind to the essential truths of reality. Much needed in our world today. The re-education, rebuilding of the Minds of Men (humanity). *** Who is Patanjali – what are the Sutras? Patanjali (4th century A.D. teacher) condensed the knowledge of yoga (different developmental stages of teachings) in his 192 brief but densely packed verses, commonly called sutras (Pali language, threads, strings). In these sutras, he divided yoga into eight limbs, and hence the name Ashtanga (ashta, eight; anga, component) yoga. Yoga is a process of self-improvement affecting all parts of the being. Specialized schools of yoga lay emphasis on improvement of one or the other of these parts. In contrast with Hatha yoga, which lays stress on improvement of the body (physical exercises), Raja yoga is concerned primarily with improvement, development of mind. (Because our God in the Fire of Mind - Agni) Patanjali divided his sutras (teachings) into four sections. 1. The first section, samadhi, talks about concentration and its uses. Samadhi (Sanskrit) - the mind becomes still w/ one-pointedness, concentration. Study creates a one-pointed mind. Study is a form of meditation. 2. The second section, sadhana (accomplishing something, obtaining a specific result), gives the method by which turbulence of the mind might be controlled, and concentration achieved. 3. The third section, siddhi (supernormal abilities), describes the extraordinary powers which sadhana eventually leads to. 4. The final section, kaivalya (enlightenment), deals with the true freedom that yoga confers, which cannot be reached if a person, so enamored & glamoured the powers that they are used indiscriminately. *** Brainwash Update Raja Yoga allows us to no longer be brainwashed. *** Mindless Media, Brainwash Update Knowing we are watching & listening to the “Mindless Media/News.” All of the 12 different stages reading the same information, same script. Parroting each other! Leads to distortion, non-originality. It’s Propaganda. The news isn’t real. It’s created, made up, fed to sleeping humanity. Keeping them asleep. https://youtube/watch?v=xefMM7m2YfE *** The New Group of World Servers find their news elsewhere. Learning together in our Esoteric Ashramic College of Astrological Sciences, the Arts & the Ageless Wisdom teachings. This Facebook Page & all of my writings are based on Raja Yoga. So that we all may learn & rebuild our minds. The Soul is in the realm of the Mind. Love, Risa
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:05:03 +0000

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