The You Matter Campaign would like to introduce Wendi Jones - TopicsExpress


The You Matter Campaign would like to introduce Wendi Jones Hightower Her Biography About five years ago I decided I needed to step out of the neatly packaged box I crawled into for so many years. The package was plain and allowed me to hide my insecurities, hurt and lack of self worth. Slowly over the last few years I worked on several areas of my life. I decided to dig deep and figure out who I really was. During this time I lost close to 180 pounds, started focusing on the things that I love to do, built strong relationships and grew in my walk with The Lord. Losing weight has always been a struggle and a balance as I have wrestled with an eating disorder for years. I realized that having a good support system and finding things to do that encouraged being healthy physically, mentally and emotionally were and are imperative. I focused on my music, training for a half marathon which I will be completing this fall and learning how to help others by encouraging them and trying to be as transparent about my own struggles in hopes that they realize they could fight their way out as well. All of this transformation took place exactly when it needed to. Even in the hardest times I learned something that I am so grateful to have grasped, which was to praise The Lord in the amazing times and even more in the toughest of times. I had no idea the significance of this lesson until December 2013 when my husband of 13 years took his own life. It was during those first hours that I realized I had a choice to make, give up and hide or praise God and allow Him to turn what could have destroyed me into an avenue to help others. Even in the darkest moments in my life the only choice I could even consider was the latter. I chose and continue to choose to praise Him. Although my life is different than I ever imagined, its the life Ive been given. I woke up this morning so therefore I have a purpose and I will walk through this day with my head held high. I choose to be transparent and authentic even when I dont want to. I am not perfect and I definitely dont have all the answers but I do know that I want to tell my story so that I can help someone else brush themselves off, stand up and make a difference. A quote from my late husband that I live by... You have the opportunity, You have the ability, You have the responsibility And the privilege of changing the world. You also have the choice to leave it the same or do the changing. I want to be a world changer -JSH My advice to anyone I meet is, find out who you are and be exactly that!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:56:47 +0000

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