The Young India Fellowship pays off, once again. Last year, for - TopicsExpress


The Young India Fellowship pays off, once again. Last year, for the YIFs writing course, when we were asked to write an academic paper, I decided to do a thorough and objective analysis of The Chetan Bhagat Phenomenon. Having started off as a light-fiction writer, I knew the commercial publishing industry inside out, had studied all the book-scans and publishing trends like a worm, and for a major part of my college life, had followed CB with the passion of a troller (albeit I was an admirer then!). The resulting academic paper The Chetan Bhagat Phenomenon: Boon or Bane for the Indian Publishing and Readership didnt land me with an A grade, but today, that very paper (which is online) has made me a panellist in Al Jazeeras award-winning show The Stream, to be streamed tomorrow midnight from Washington D.C, wherein three other panelists along with me will supposedly grill CB. Do shoot questions that you may want to channel through me.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:58:35 +0000

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