The Zohar predicts that all inhabitants of planet Earth will one - TopicsExpress


The Zohar predicts that all inhabitants of planet Earth will one day come to grips with the profound mysteries of our cosmos and the many problems confronting mankind. No longer will individuals be forced to bow to the wisdom of experts, scientists and authorities who live in a rarefied intellectual atmosphere, beyond the reach of the mainstream of humanity. In that time, which has now become known as the Age of Aquarius, the individual will again seize control of his sense of wonder and inquisitiveness, and thus armed, regain a thorough knowledge of the exact nature of the universe and of each person’s place in it. - See more at: livingwisdom.kabbalah/prayer#sthash.524DnyAb.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:46:26 +0000

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