The Zohar says our time will be one of Oy and Ashrei. This means - TopicsExpress


The Zohar says our time will be one of Oy and Ashrei. This means woe to the people who live in our time and praiseworthy to the people who live in our time. In even simpler terms, it means chaos and blessings will exist side by side in the End of Days. There will be insane chaos and craziness and profound blessings and good fortune. How much ego and self interest that we are prepared to give up, and how strong our connection to the Zohar is, will determine which side of the fence we find ourselves. So the crazier it gets out there, it also means the closer we are to the end. However, we do not want to get to the end through chaos and judgement. So chase after the opportunity to diminish and hurt the ego and our self interest. Embrace it, knowing that it is buying you protection and blessings. Gift a friend or stranger with the Zohar. Do it every week or every month. This is how we can protect ourselves and diminish the negative forces in the world that are trying to push this world off a cliff.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 18:12:00 +0000

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