The abounding of iniquity or lawlessness turns you into a zombie, - TopicsExpress


The abounding of iniquity or lawlessness turns you into a zombie, it dries you out, no living water, it makes you without love and feeling and godly passion. No righteousness, no judgment, no conviction, no truth, you see everything the same, in darkness, you become numb to the distinction between good and evil. Desensitized to the good fruits of God and His Spirit. There is no reason to repent of what God calls evil because there is no wrong to you, you do whatever lawless thing you want. You only feast on flesh and lust, starving your soul and spirit to death, your insides are cold as Asa dead man, youre defiant, stuck in your ways like rigor mortis. They love Death and follow it to Hell because of iniquity. Jesus said, because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound the love of many shall wax cold. All they see is flesh and sin the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, never going for God or His Word, marching towards the gates of hell. Jesus is calling trying to wake people up now, preachers are preaching pointing to Jesus and His Great Light, the time is now! The Lord is trying to call peoples souls from the graves that they have been committed to by lawlessness (iniquity), He wants to loosen people from Satans cages, folks need to hear before its too late. JESUS came to give life and that we might life more abundantly, where as Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, he wants to turn us into sin slaves, zombies that resist the Love of God and that dont have any of the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus has enough Life in Him to raise up every soul but only those that call on His name shall He raise, only those that come to Him believing that He is. Its time to wake up.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:36:58 +0000

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