(The aim of this page is to compare the words of Ramana Maharshi - TopicsExpress


(The aim of this page is to compare the words of Ramana Maharshi with sayings from the secret Gospel of Thomas. The similarities revealed are striking, all the more so when we remember that the Gospel was not made public until after Ramanas death. It should be noted that this compilation was originally assembled for personal use. The Gospel of Thomas, in particular, has been extensively edited and rephrased, besides being rearranged into categories. There are many more literal translations of Thomas available, and anyone not already acquainted with the text is strongly urged to read them first. This supplementary version is presented purely to underline the status of Jesus as a Maharshi and of Ramana as the Christ.) - From Ramana Org. _/\_ ॐ These are the mystic words spoken by the living Jesus and preserved by Didymos Judas Thomas. He said : Whoever comprehends the Mystery of these words becomes immortal. ॐ Conduct The disciples said : Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Shall we give alms? Are there any foods we shouldn’t eat? Jesus answered : Fasting is a sin, praying is wrong and donating to charity is an evil. And if people welcome you, eat whatever food they offer and heal their sick. What goes into your mouth can’t pollute you, but what comes out of it can. A questioner asked : Should I not try to help the suffering world? Ramana answered : The power that created you has created the world as well. If It can take care of you, It can similarly take care of the world also … If God has created the world it is His business to look after it, not yours. As for prayer for the sake of others, it looks so unselfish on the surface of it. But analyse the feeling and you will detect selfishness there also. You desire others happiness so that you may be happy. Or you want the credit for having interceded on others behalf. God does not require an intermediary. Mind your own business and all will be well. ॐ They said : Let us pray and fast today. Jesus replied: What sin have I committed and to what have I succumbed? When the groom comes out of the bridal chamber, then let them fast and pray. Ramana said : They pray to God and finish with Thy Will be done! If His Will be done why do they pray at all? It is true that the Divine Will prevails at all times and under all circumstances. The individuals cannot act of their own accord. Recognise the force of the Divine Will and keep quiet. ॐ Jesus said : You will never enter heaven unless you fast from the world. Unless you keep the whole week as a Sabbath, you will never see God. Ramana said : If all the activities of the senses are given up, the mind becomes single-pointed. When such a mind gets concentrated on God, that is real fasting. ॐ Jesus said : Woe to the flesh that depends on flesh, and to the soul that depends upon these two. Ramana said : For those who have undertaken the task of abolishing the dominion of the ego, which is rooted in the fleshy body, fattening flesh by eating flesh is improper. ॐ Jesus said : Don’t constantly worry about what you’re going to eat and wear. Ramana said : Once you have realised that Providence meets all your bodily needs, you will never feel anxious again. Whether you desire it or not, those needs will be met. ॐ Jesus said : Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Don’t you realise that he who created the outside also created the inside? Ramana said : After I came to this place, I had no bath for four months … Shaving was also like that. The shave I had on the day I came here has been recorded; the second was after a year and a half. The hair had got matted and woven like a basket. Small stones and dust had settled down in it and the head used to feel heavy. I had also long nails, and a frightful appearance. ॐ Jesus said : The scribes and the Pharisees have lost the keys to the Kingdom, so that they can’t enter, and nor can anybody else. But you, you must be as sly as snakes and as innocent as doves. Ramana said : The ultimate Truth is so simple. It is nothing more than being in the pristine state. This is all that need be said. Still, it is a wonder that to teach this simple Truth there should come into being so many religions, creeds, methods and disputes among them and so on! Oh the pity! Oh the pity! ॐ Jesus said : The Pharisees are like a dog lying in the manger of oxen. He can’t eat there, and prevents the oxen from doing so. Ramana said : Mother, what are you going to eat? Today they have brought only drumsticks and onions. If you eat them will you not encounter forests of drumsticks and mountains of onions on the way to Heaven? ॐ Jesus said : Love your brother like your soul and guard him like your eyes. Ramana said : There are no others. ॐ Jesus said : Remove the beam from your own eye, and you will see to remove the mote from your brother’s. Ramana said : Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world. ॐ Jesus said : Don’t lie or do what you hate. Nothing can remain hidden. Ramana said : If I started punishing people, not even a crow would be able to rest in the ashram. ॐ Jesus said : I reveal my mysteries to those who are worthy of them. Don’t let your left hand know what your right is doing. Ramana said : He is a good devotee, but he does not show his devotion externally. The devotion is all inside. He hides it so well that most people think that he is not a good devotee. I like this kind of devotion very much. ॐ Jesus said : If the blind lead the blind, both fall into a pit. Ramana said : Only he who has himself won salvation can lead others to salvation. ॐ Jesus said : What you hear in your ear, preach from the rooftops. Who lights a lamp to hide it away? Ramana said : A radio transmission is done from one point but its effect can be felt all over the world. ॐ Jesus said : A city on a hill can neither fall nor be hidden. Ramana said : What more miraculous power is there than that of the Sage, who by merely sitting on his couch, attracts thousands of people from the four corners of the earth, hundreds of whom change their old modes of life, and some of whom even attain Godhood. ॐ Jesus said : You can’t expect grapes from thorns or figs from thistles. A man produces fruit according to the good or evil in his heart. Ramana said : Those who have realised the Truth are alone the possessors of faultless virtues. Apart from these, everyone else is only base of nature. ॐ Jesus said : Blasphemy against the Father and the Son will be forgiven, but never blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Ramana said : Those who have experienced this do not talk about it. Those who talk about it have not experienced it. ॐ Jesus said : Pass by. Ramana said : Be still. ........
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:07:45 +0000

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