The alleged allegations against actor, comedian Bill Cosby is - TopicsExpress


The alleged allegations against actor, comedian Bill Cosby is troubling to me in many different ways. First, I must say that rape in ANY shape or form is SERIOUS and must be dealt with in a swift manner. The physical and emotional damage can be crippling long after the traumatic event occurs. It is extremely difficult for many of us who literally grew up watching Bill Cosby in various venues to wrap our minds around the fact that he was/is even capable of doing such atrocities! Those of us born in the sixties and earlier knew Bill Cosby from I-Spy and several other movies and television shows, and my generation knew him from Fat Albert, long before he became Americas favorite Dad on the Cosby Show! I guess Im having difficulty understanding why ANYONE who has that type of fame, notoriety and success would have to stoop to such depths of degradation to rape someone when generally speaking, being in the public eye or having a very successful career usually involves people (men & women) throwing themselves at you for the taking! (This includes ministry as well)... If these allegations are true, I pray that these women will get some type of closure to many years of pain and perhaps shame! I would also expect that Bill Cosby, an icon to many of us, would be responsible and speak up and address this situation, apologize and be held accountable for his actions. It makes me realize, especially as it relates to the church world, how we can often place many of our leaders on extremely high pedestals only to discover later that they were/are just as flawed as the rest of us! The reality is, that we are ALL human beings, being human! From the Pope, to the Bishop, Apostle, Pastor, Prophet and lay member, ALL of us have issues, struggles or private demons that challenge and threaten our integrity everyday of our lives! Some struggles may be more dangerous than others but they are still struggles nonetheless! In a moment or moments of temporary weakness or failure, you could wipe out literally a lifetime of good, great and powerful things that you have accomplished! The former Mayor of Washington, DC, Marion Barry passed away just last night. Several tabloids headlined their stores by saying Crack Mayor Marion Barry dead! Out of everything that he did in helping to build up the DC area over the years, the only thing that some people remember is his moment of weakness! At 77 years of age, Bill Cosby is in the twilight of his life, now it appears that out of everything that he has done and accomplished it is being erased. I am praying for him... It HAS to be crushing him at this moment. Even if the allegations are true, it is still crushing. No one wins in this situation!!! Either way it turns one wins! I pray that ALL of us will learn and practice self-discipline!!! Its ok to be human...make room for error and mistakes. They will happen! But you also must be prepared to face the consequences of those mistakes whatever they may be! Often times, its not the mistakes/errors that ruin or destroy your reputation, its how you react, respond, handle and take responsibility for the mistakes! #erasingBillCosby #pleaseprayforallinvolvedincludingBill
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:47:22 +0000

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