The ancient Hungarian mythology The Magyars religion of - TopicsExpress


The ancient Hungarian mythology The Magyars religion of pre-Christian beliefs are largely unknown, but is not a component unit mosaics have survived. The ancient Central Asian religious worldview of the Hungarian peoples mentality is still alive there, fragments can be found in folklore, folk tales and folk customs of Korea. The word mythology original meaning was secret speech to things related to that man could not express. Derivative is a myth that give us a glimpse of the one-time beliefs; God, man, looking for an explanation of lifes questions. I never got far fetched these things, but a mysterious knowledge, which for generations have given to each other through unpredictable times. The relatives of people with analogies research is so important, because the mythology is like a language, which shows relative similarity of origin, in spite of all differences. Our ancestors religion provide some insights into the archaeological excavations, the contemporary auktorok and after the twenty-fourth hour remaining fragments of belief here and there, but ancient, wonderful now lost our religion and beliefs as a whole no one can reconstruct know. Just mosaics can be inferred from what has been lost, but still lives there and the mentality of the special relationship with the supreme beings of the Hungarian people. It has been said that we are in Hungarian Christians. The Magyars religion The question arises as to why there are no old Hungarian name of God? Because they never had any. The Magyars were a monotheistic, worshiping one God, the Creator of the universe, or, as Anonymous calls the Lord of all. Alone and just cried to her sacrifices were presented. Theophylaktosznál we read: The Turks (Hungarians), but I love it and call it God who created the universe. Ibn Fadlan and writes that the Hungarians, God dwelleth in heaven with all the above is considered appropriate. Anonymus also read that Árpád who was the head of the God of the universe ... Tas, Szabolcs Tétény and saw that God had given them the victory ... It was the grace of God to them. Kézai Simon wrote that hadbahíváskor God and the words of the Hungarian people, said the voice Auctioneers. Lehel-sentence, we find that We are Gods revenge big. The Illustrated Chronicle, the Royal Chronicle and John Thuróczy chronicle of the Hungarian conquest thus begins: Arpad almighty grace of God asked ... sign of the cross, we find the Honfoglalás bezdédi bag drive belt from the conquest of the former womens neck Byzantine cross form and Subotica, Hungarian cemetery buckle blessing in the form of an old man. Our ancestors up to stay in place in Central Asia, even later, especially Caucasian acquainted with Christianity as Caucasian neighbors, the Armenians took up 285 in Christianity; Bishop hijacked between Onogurs. Bishop of Sankt Gallen Prümwart around 926, was recovered from the St. Wikbert adventurer Hungarians in 954. The legends Cyril and Methodius, 860 Hungarians in the knowledge of the Christian religion testified. Historical sources record that around 945-948 Bulcsu and horseradish (Termacsu) and 953 in the main body of Gyula was baptized in Constantinople, Ajtony Géza and Stephen, Vidin admitted to baptism. The wilderness of the peoples living in a monotheistic, but keep in touch with God through the spirit world beings themselves or through the shaman. They know that the creator of there between them, some rituals are still tied to the spiritual beings of the world. They live in close contact with nature and respect for the natural elements are taxed without their worship in any way. In heaven, the heavenly bodies and the forces of nature personified worldview spirituality in there lives, but God is far overtop of them. Gods messengers of hunting birds. Religion played an important role in the structure of society and warfare. The Magyars religion of God was the creator and ruler of the heavens ruled by the will of his people of the prince principal. Evidence of ancient monotheistic, believing all the words related to Turkish, Central Asian origin (God, spirit, prayer, heaven, also [holy], sit, sanctifies, happy, fasting, sin, sin, sorry, goodbye, believe, believe, create , inheritance etc). Practically the whole Bible could be translated to Hungarian conquest age of our tongue off. Pagan szókincsünkből virtually absent only hit for Fiúistenre memories. The ancient Hungarian religion was no different than all of the Central Asian peoples, who moved to the same areas where our ancestors. The history of religions attest that under the same climate, similar impressions of nature in the midst with the same lifestyle, the same degree of literacy similarly converted peoples religious outlooks. That is why the European auktorok mixed with the Scythians, the Huns, the Avars, the türkökről and Hungarians formed their image. In contrast to the Hungarian ancient belief among the Finno-Ugric peoples religion there in Numi Torun, num, no, the man Foster god, Nose iki, the worlds supervisory man, the Nahracsi idol, Nadim sacred place of burial puppet, the bear cult, and even many a religious item that has never been present őseinknél; our folk art and our faith is just no trace can be found in.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:37:14 +0000

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