The ancient kingdom of Scotland gifted the world many things... - TopicsExpress


The ancient kingdom of Scotland gifted the world many things... from the Television, to Common Sense philosophy, the rudiments of Capitalism and even the principles of Representative Democracy. Sadly though, despite these great enlightened advances, the Scottish people remain dominated by a London elitist parliamentary structure which has eroded that nations ability to fully represent its democratic interests in the sovereign Westminster chamber. This undemocratic situation is compounded by the fact that Westminster takes full advantage of Scotlands vast wealth of natural assets, whilst Scots enjoy little of the benefits of the wealth! Democracy must be served! And the Scottish people must have their full sovereign democratic rights... rights enshrined in international law... restored. This could have been achieved had Scotlands new parliament been granted full control of the assets within the countrys borders. Alas, Westminster wasnt prepared to let go of control of their voiceless cash-cow, so such a federal solution was denied at every turn. The deliberate stonewalling of a debate on federalism has generated a valid case for independence to be declared. So the Scottish National Party, an organisation which has long called for Scottish home rule, began winning ground in the political race. Today, they dominate Scottish politics and were finally able to bring a referendum on the question... Should Scotland be an independent country? The referendum returned a No vote... but all is not what it seems. Critics of the SNP have said their campaign was lack-lustre and it failed to calm the fears being peddled by the Westminster media machine. So what happened? Did the SNP deliberately allow the referendum to fail? Id say very definitely- YES, they did! But why? The answer to that question lies in how Scotland might gain its independence... you see, the referendum result wouldnt have changed a thing. All a yes vote would have achieved is a case for arguing for independence... after all, a referendum in only a public referral... it is not a valid political mechanism for change. The SNP have known for many many years that independence must be won through valid political and legal process. And the process to securing independence exists in constitutional law... all it needed in order to be put in motion was a change of political attitudes in Scotland... speficially by getting the Scottish public to VOTE for SNP MPs... And THATs where things got sticky! You see, Scotland has been stuck in a political rut for decades. Throughout the glory days of Clydeside shipbuilding and industry, Scotland held firm in its belief that the Labour movement held their best interests at heart. This dogmatic viewpoint was re-affirmed through the Thatcher days, as the Londoncentric Conservatives imposed a process of industrial destruction upon Scotland. This crushed communities across the country and instilled a deep hatred for the Conservative party, in turn hardening the support for Labour north of the border. This, and a successful anti-SNP propaganda campaign, meant the SNP had a mountain to climb to win the hearts and minds of the Scottish public. The Scots were willing to give the SNP some credit... at least by electing them to the Scottish parliament, where they at least had a platform from which to sell their vision... but getting the Scots to elect SNP MPs to the sovereign parliament of Westminster was another matter entirely! What was needed was that Scotland had to receive a firm kick up the political rump! And thats where the referendum came in. The SNP opted not to mount a strong campaign... perhaps they even fudged the result... well never know. But one things for sure, whatever they did or didnt do worked in their favour... the referendum defeat caused a mighty political tsunami to sweep across the Scottish electorate. The partys membership soared in the wake of the referendum, quadrupling in a matter of weeks. The Labour party, so vehemently opposed to the idea independence throughout the referendum campaign had attacked Scotlands abilities, talents and economy to the point of destroying their own reputation. They were dead in the water... job done! Labour, once so confident of winning almost every one of the 59 Westminster seats, now face being wiped out at the next General Election... now a mere six months away! So what now? Should the SNP, and their pro-independence friends at the Green Party win the majority of the 59 seats available at Westminster, they may use their powerful position as the sovereign representatives of the Scottish nation to enact a number of legal mechanisms to deny Westminster any sovereign authority over Scotland. They wont need to call for another referendum, the fact the Scottish people voted for these MPs is mandate enough to see through the process of sovereign assertion. Within a matter of months, Scotland can resurrect the Three Estate parliament that existed before 1707 and declare itself a self-governing sovereign state... perfectly legitimately, with HMs authority and perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the international community. It all hangs the vote on May 7th, 2015.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:11:06 +0000

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