The ancient scriptures say that we have a great and vast treasure - TopicsExpress


The ancient scriptures say that we have a great and vast treasure hidden in jars of clay. In these times, people often would hide their valuable possessions in these sealed clay jars. When they had need of the valuables inside, they would have to break open the clay jar and the treasure would come spilling out. Within our souls is great and vast treasure beyond any imagination. This abundant glory has been hidden for such a time that we would have the courage to bring it forth. The "clay jar" hiding our great bounty is the illusion of our separation from our Divine Soul and Kingdom of Heaven.This Kingdom is within us and all around us. In this Kingdom the seen and the unseen unfold together in beauty and majesty. Love abounds with intimacy and grace and our bodies radiate with the fragrance of life. There is no lack, death, shame or fear here, for the great light of love dissolves fear, shame and death. We are divine souls who walk in the divine reality right now. However, our illusion of separation may, in fact, result in our experience being far less magical than our truth could reveal. The world is longing for our treasure of light to spill forth! We have been looking for a key to open this hidden vault, where we can take out a few choice coins. The time has come for us to grab a hammer and shatter this earthen vessel that all our treasure comes bursting forth, never to be hidden again. What a grand moment to be alive and awake! Can you feel your hunger and desire growing beyond the safe roles you have chosen to play? Open your mouth and share from the wisdom of your divine soul, open your heart and dance in the joy of an unteathered soul. You are alive! You have nothing to fear. The world will receive you. The entire Cosmos will receive you and rejoice in your great joy. You are loved! ~ Keith KeithAllenKay
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 23:00:00 +0000

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