The announcement of the Islamic State serves the strategy of the - TopicsExpress


The announcement of the Islamic State serves the strategy of the western countries well! It helps unite the Shia against the Sunnis and gives momentum to the Iranians to support the regimes of Syria and Iraq. It helps flushing out the enthusiastic Muslims in western countries so that they can gather them in one spot. This makes it easier to target them and bomb them when there is no longer need for them! It gives the kafir governments legitimacy to stop, search and hinder all Dawah activities in these western countries. They can arrest whoever they want and no human rights can stand in their way. They will prepare for preemptive strikes to the real Sunni Mujahideen and hit two birds with one stone. Muslim civilians who are suffering the most of such barbaric acts will attribute this to Islam and will slowly drift away from it! No other faction of the Mujahideen is accepting this Islamic state or its self-claimed Caliph. Muslims in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries pray, fast, worship Allah and live a productive life as Muslims. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam had said: “whoever comes to divide you when you are all following one man, kill him”. Reported by Muslim! Calling Muslims to abandon and rebel against their Muslim rulers is against the teachings of our Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. The kafir countries didn’t move yet because they are waiting for the picture to become complete! They are not worried but rather happy to see this happening as it serves them. Israel and Iran are doing what they want and the Sunni Muslims are suffering due to such divisions. Muslims are so emotional but not realistic when it comes to issues of Kilafah! Study the consequences of your actions before dragging the Ummah to a dark tunnel. Burning the land and killing others won’t bring victory to the Muslims especially under the current circumstances. We have the true scholars in Saudi Arabia and they are in the thousands in number! There are tens of thousands of other scholars in the Muslim world and no one accepts this self-claimed Caliph. A caliph or an Imam must be someone that all Muslims unite on and accept. Kilafah is a dream that all Muslims have and it will return with the grace of Allah. However, what is happening now is no dream coming true but rather a nightmare I pray we wake up from!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:45:19 +0000

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