The apparent suicide of Robin Williams should give us all cause to - TopicsExpress


The apparent suicide of Robin Williams should give us all cause to think. He was a man of incredible talent, genius by many standards. He had resources and income to meet his every physical need and most of his wants. He, by the standards of the world, had everything a man could want. So why then did he find himself in a place where the only hope he could find to end his own torment was in ending his own life? My opinion, my personal theory, is what he lacked was a richness in his soul, for all his success, fame & modest fortune his soul wasnt nourished, Im not gonna preach religion to you all though I have a string Christian faith and belief, but I am going to say that if you are suffering, down deep in your soul, feed your soul, find your inner peace, it doesnt come from things, people or even loved ones. It is not from this world, this realm, it is in the Devine and it is there and only there can you find peace and rest, what does it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his soul? If you do not have a Devine connection, seek one out, once you realize that this reality cannot have happened by chance but by design, you need to go looking for the designer, get to know your maker, seek and you will find Him. Its not for me to tell you who He is, only to remind you that He is, you must seek Him out and get to know Him on your own. But if you are interested I would be happy to introduce you. As we mourn the passing of this talented artist, amazing comedian whose life was so obviously blessed with that Devine inspiration and spark, lets remember how easy it is to lose the connection with it and all hope if we dont nourish our own soul & remain connected to the very one who created it. Rest In Peace Mr Williams, we shall all miss your wit and smile, certainly I will, may you find peace and rest in the arms of your maker.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:26:01 +0000

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