The appearance of two young sitting at a small round table echoed - TopicsExpress


The appearance of two young sitting at a small round table echoed through the vail of the reality that these humans had created. To the humans they were nothing more than scary monsters that hid under their beds or in their closets and only came out at night. Little did they know that those monsters are tame as they obey the laws humans set forth. Yet the humans failed to realize that the scariest monsters are the ones that break those rules. Maybe it was their charming appearance or moody disposition that gave off the that human aura that lead the true humans to believe the falseness before their eyes, or maybe it was that the humans feared the monsters so much that they simply refused to acknowledge the simple fact that these monsters refuse to bow before a human. The monster on the left sat on the edge of his seat while leaning back and each leg stretched out. More relaxed than what any monster should be during the day should be he sat sat their scoffing as each human passed his sight the occasional human that passed by however gained a semi approved look causing him to simultaneously lick his lips. The creature did this seemingly at random people as it was no specific type of human that pulled this reaction from his flawless features. Not only these reactions but also his long pail blue hair earned him more than a few strange glances, to which he simply chuckled as those individuals walked away and continued their meaningless lives. To no surprise though he also received looks of lust from both the male and female species. But in all honesty who wouldnt give a lustfull glance or even stare? Especially with the way that his pale (and nearly see through) blue shirt hung open revealing a body that would make a god jealous and how that same shirt perfectly complimented his deep golden eyes whose pupil was more cat than human. From a less vain approach maybe it was the time weathered silver neckless that hung from his slender neck set with a crimson stone that seemed to draw people in as if the goddess herself was calling to them. No he was too vain to accept that reasoning, he knew the truth all too well. It was his golden eyes that seemed to hypnotize and it was how his pale skin stretched over his muscular yet slender form it most certainly was how his shirt blew gently in the wind giving the appearance of a playboy while his jeans and steel plated boots gave off the appearance of a bad boy. While he was arrogant to an extent he also refused to deny the truth. He did little more than watch each passerby and listen to his counterpart as he spoke with his barely understandable thick Irken accent. The male on the right was vastly different not only from his counterpart but also from the humans that hurried along the street. They had decided to meet in an upperclass part of the city and as a result the humans that lived there had nothing better to due than to fail at obtaining the perfection that they so desired. Unlike the monster that sat across from him he only received looks of disgust and distaste. But it wasnt his normally bright green skin or his pupil-less eyes or even the antennae that rose from his head that gave him away, how could it be? While he looked vastly different than any human on the planet his appearance was hidden by the image of a hunched of middle aged man with black messy hair that seemed to absorb the light around him being projected around him. A sickly sweet sent that emanated from the Irkens body was impossible to mistaken or hide for that matter and further added to the looks of disgust that he received. These ffffilthy hue-mans will bow before the mighty Irken empire or be killed. While they are sentient they may still be too stupid to be of any use. Fighting each other like mere animals, maybe if they would work together they could possibly offer some sort of stand against our mighty fleeting a couple hundred years but as of now... The Tallest spoke in an unusually scratchy voice before being interrupted by his silent partner. With that much complaining about the humans one would begin to think you were beginning to become attached to them. The male spoke with a voice made of non-existent liquid gold that made those passing by weak in the knees. Without giving the Irken a chance to retort he stood up showing his full hight of five feet and ten inches. Come lets leave this miserable place Im becoming hungry again. This time speaking with a subtle aggressiveness that could strike fear into the mightiest of kings. Without even bothering to object or continue his rant the Irken stood to his full hight of five feet and seven inches which in his eyes was part of the reason why he obeyed the blue haired man. The other bit of reasoning behind this choice was this ominous feeling of power and oddly enough fear that radiated from the monster and regardless as to how numb the humans were to it the Irken could feel this sensation creep over his body and pierce deep into his body and grip his squeedlyspooch and his bones. It seemed as if it wasnt for his PAK acting as a secondary brain he would have been frozen in fear. The two beings left the table and walked down the street pushing through the ever thinning crowd as the sun began to sink behind tall buildings of the ever growing city. They continued to walk down the street until they came to a particularly dull cult-de-sac to which they moved to the first house on the left. In front of the house there was nothing but dirt and what appeared to be large rocks. The Irken calmly walked up to the house and without skipping a beat the taller male followed. Once the blue haired male stepped onto the side walk just behind his shorter friend the three of the larger rocks split open along with several smaller rocks. From within the three larger rocks a single turret capable of fire medium sized energy charges sprung up and focused their aim on the intruding male. The smaller rocks that had opened up produced a similar turret that fired a single laser in short bursts. These turrets like the larger version also focused in on the blue haired male. Expecting this to happen the disguised Irken spoke with his usual sense of authority, Computer add exception to defense protocol thirty-two alpha. Before the turrets had a chance to fire they were recalled just as quickly as they had rise and had returned to normal. The city was beginning to fade to darkness at this point as the Irken and his ally had opened the front door. As the Irken stepped through and into the normal looking house a monitor glided on from the kitchen a blinked on revealing an Irken typing away on a keyboard. Welcome back to base my Almighty Tallest Korson. Operation Impending Doom Three is proceeding as scheduled and your security detail reports no anomalies within base. As is expected. Korson sighed as the holo-projecter faded away revealing his true form. Still standing at five-seven he now had pale green skin that peeked out from beneath his royal garments dyed a black darker than night. Small silver plates decorated the black robes and protected his joints. His garments were modified slightly and while they still remained sleeveless it had a hood that was drawn over his head. His antennae poked through his hood and kinked back towards the top at a sharp angle. The only thing that covered any part of his arms were his oversized gauntlets that also partially covered his two fingers. Korson closed his single colored eyes as he stepped into the closet that hid a small platform. Only after his ally stepped onto the platform did he open his ruby eyes and press a small hidden button. The platform lowered itself hundreds of feet beneath the earth and down to the lowest level of the base. Once they arrived they stepped out of the elevator and onto the command deck. In the center of the room that was lined with the high tech computers was a large holo-projector that showed a partially see through model earth. Isnt it sad Dishonor? So much potential for this dirt ball but I cant decide what to do with it. His counterpart merely chuckled and parted his lips to say something but was quickly interrupted by a female voice speaking in Irken spoke calmly over the intercom. Intruder alert, defenses compromised. Intruder alert, defenses compromised. Korson gritted his teeth before he barked out, Computer identify intruder! The computer paused briefly before responding to the command in the same voice as before. Intruder is unknown. With that both Korson and Dishonor chuckled as they made their way back to the elevator. They quickly rose back up to house level with a great anticipation as they both silently pondered at what could possibly have found them in the first place. (Open combat RP I would prefer at least two or more opponents.)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 22:44:37 +0000

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