The architect of Obamacare, on camera, admitting that he - TopicsExpress


The architect of Obamacare, on camera, admitting that he deliberately wrote the law to hide important details, and that he thinks the American voter is stupid, and that lack of transparency is a strong political weapon, and they its easy to exploit the lack of economic understanding of the American voter. Liberals..this is why you were trounced in the mid-terms, the contempt shown for the electorate was simply too extreme, and it was noticed. This fellow simply puts a face and a voice to the contempt. I hear many on FB saying the exact same thing he says. They love to go on and on about how dumb the voters are and how smart the are, and how they know better, and need to save everyone from themselves. Well, guess what, the voters dont think the establishment is all that smart either since they seem to lack the good sense to know when to keep their mouth shut. Call someone stupid long enough and there WILL be blowback. This elitist contempt is why Mitch McConnell is now Senate Majority leader, why so many other Senate and House seats were lost, and Governorships. Of course I expect ZERO contrition, in fact all I have seen in response is MORE calling the voters stupid, reinforcing the impression that there is no regard or respect for the voters.(that they are simply wallets from which to extract cash, the more mute and willing they are, the better). Its just too hard to fathom that voters may actually know what they are doing....that they did NOT like their treatment and told you so? For an administration that came to power on the claim that i was the most transparent in history, reality is it has been nothing but opaque, and has been caught in such blatant lies, its not even funny (and this is coming from a guy who did vote for Obama in 2008 and really regrets it now..but only did so because the thought of Sarah Palin in power was horrifying) Wil Buckner Stephanie Octave Stewart
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 23:21:32 +0000

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