The arrival of 2015 is no time too celebrate anything, better to - TopicsExpress


The arrival of 2015 is no time too celebrate anything, better to mourn the death of a nation instead........ Im a hopeless pessimistic thinking person, for i see no optimism in this upcoming New Year 2015, or the years to follow it with so little good and this great level of evil right on top of that symbolic hill... The night 2015 arrives, those potty mouth rap artists will be promoting themselves in a few promotional performances on several decorated floats. This just like last year and all the years before it. That huge brightly lit flickering with technical brilliance ball on top of that same tall skyscraper in the heart of the Big Bad Rotten Apple steals the show. once again. It shall draws forth its mesmerizing strength from the joyful crowd way down below it.... Suddenly, this man made object shall drop, when it reaches the very bottom the people will shout out Happy New Years. There will be great joy on millions of young and old faces alike. All the tragic events of 2014 will magically disappear, for now these dont mean a damn thing anymore, its a New Year and (heard this millions of times) we must now look to the future not back at our past? Oh, i get it now, so what theyre saying is these events from our past have no real lasting influence on the future? Then this Jesus who was supposedly crucified over 2000 years ago, now according to this worldly wisdom failed in his mission because he didnt cover-up the past... Even this sacrifice must be considered a meaningless event of the past too. Thus, that sacrifice was made irrelevant, because like they keep repeating, that was in the past and we are now in this glorious future of universal enlightenment. OK, so i take it that Hitlers 1938-45 Holocaust did not inadvertently affect the future in a big way either? Hmm, I find something very wrong with this form of thinking indeed, good old Common Core Education strikes again! Americans do indeed have short memories, and this is a big + too all them whom rule over these dimwitted sheeple. They will embrace the fact that their healthcare has now been hopelessly hijacked and more draconian laws like 11.000 thus far, are now on those books. More than ever before in the history of this country, that strangely once upon a time exercised a little restraint. However, this too will fade away with the death of that year and give birth to even more false hope. The lies will continue to escalate, for the sheeple will sadly continue to except the lie that according to this governments own statistics, we are on the road to an economic recovery now? When the opposite is true... The liberal mindset will flourish in 2015, for they shall all go on the attack once again. Yes, these godless parasites will gladly defend all rapists, child molesters, murderers and even a serial killer deserves a second chance according to them. This insanely according to these educated misfits that society sadly listens too 24/7 by purchasing books and periodicals gives them the authority to say , whatever they wish with some credibility. They will call for an end to that inhumane form of capital punishment called lethal injection. This at the same time babies by the millions who have committed no crime of any kind, except being conceived due to the lust of the flesh, will be sacrificed on the altar of Lucifer... Their small dead corpses will be tossed into unforgiving furnaces and their burning flesh shall heat that same hospital that aborted a.k.a murdered them? Can you say GREEN - ENERGY? Our hellish out-of-control government made up of just a few evil flesh beings now trying to start a World War with Russia and China, will gain even more godlike power over all the sheeple IN 2015. This thing we laughingly refer to as our first all black commander-in-chief will continue to attack our civil liberties in that outdated Bill of Rights. because it feels good? This treasonous act with the aid of his race bating minions will primarily lead us right to the gates of HELLFIRE ITSELF...Oh yes, make no mistake about it, for this is already written in that dark cloudy sky, for they will try like hell to start a race war between minority blacks and whites with the police and all other frightening sheep like civilians caught right in the freaking middle of all this glorious chaos. Those who wish to protest, too raise that small voice like a loud trumpet on that symbolic roof top will be silenced forever. Sadly, this a little something those ministers and TV evangelist no longer do. This no doubt due to that all important pursuit for even more great wealth) Those who speak out, as to chastise this pure evil system, will find their poor asses arrested and forced into some unconstitutional PC sensitivity training jazz, that is if theyre lucky! I truly believe many more will be taken by force from their own homes and businesses and medically lobotomized for the duration of this ongoing Tribulation... Therefore, i choose not to participate in these illogical festivities ever again . Just like I have in the last 6.8 years... What are we really celebrating? The death of our nation? America the beautiful, now ruled by a few evil men and women, even some who endorse terrorism as a way of spreading this twisted religion of so-called peace called Islam? Will we still feel like celebrating the next time when Satans Sharia law becomes the law of the land here too? Lets give thanks for this pure evil anti-Israel anti-Christian federally mandated law thats greatly endorsed by this golfing Muslim president fraudster... I predict a major change in 2015, for it will probably start off with a bang, perhaps another white cop shoots an unarmed black man event... As 2015 rolls along, GMOs in all our food and many more deadly toxic chemicals like fluoride in our water (now found in that healthy bottled water too) will continue to dumb down and slow kill millions of foolish Americans, many who have put just a little to much blind faith & trust in this wicked Harry Potter endorsing government and next too zero in the creator of all things? A.k.a GOD!!! Grunts working for that MIC - (Military Industrial Complex) are going to pay the ultimate price too i fear, this horror not for God & Country! No, for Israel & this same God are now bitter enemies of this wicked lawless government not of the Sheeple.. Like all those fools who fought and died in the bloody rice patties of Nam. Our kids will be sacrificed to that same altar of Lucifer too! This living Hell just to keep these wicked godless individuals that presently infest DC in power forever....... I now know that God is not the one who brings forth this tribulation . No, we bring it on ourselves by first rejecting these universal laws of obedience and excepting mans as the New Gospel of all Truth!!! 2015 WILL BE QUITE HELLISH FOR MILLIONS OF THOSE DECEIVED LORD OBAMA SUPPORTERS. FOR MANY OF THESE FOOLS WILL LEARN THE TRUE MEANING OF WHAT IS A REAL TRIBULATION AND WHAT IS A NONFACTUAL PARADISE.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:37:25 +0000

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