The article gives no details as to how demographic the poll was. - TopicsExpress


The article gives no details as to how demographic the poll was. But it is interesting to note just how narrow was the margin held by the Bible over The Origin of Species. But I fear had the poll been conducted in the US, where by some accounts 46% consider themselves creationists the margin would have been significantly higher. Of course the popularity of an idea bears no relationship to its veracity. But things are changing and they are changing fast. In a decade or two, even in the USA the poll will almost certainly have very different results. Numerous polls show young people discarding religion as their older counterparts, far more inclined to faith and god worship die off. Increasing numbers of people, even in the Islamic world, are throwing off the shackles of Bronze Age mythology. We are privileged to be alive which may very well be the beginning of the end for religion being a significant force in public life, at least in the Western World. Christianity is dead in Scandinavia, experiencing its death throes in Western Europe and the Antipodes, and is rapidly losing power and influence, especially amongst the young, in the USA. It is as though a New Enlightenment is gathering momentum and the internet is playing a tremendous role in this. With the realization that historically, periods of great social, technological, and scientific progress (think Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrialization. and now the Digital Revolution) were/are characterized by a marked lessening of religious influence, readers of this page can derive a great deal of comfort and satisfaction in the knowledge that we are on the right side of history. Feels good, does it not?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 06:51:19 +0000

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