The article of Mr. Arshad has inspired me to pen something on the - TopicsExpress


The article of Mr. Arshad has inspired me to pen something on the contamination of the fair and pure humanism with the religiosity of the clergy. The spearheads of religion have muddled the soft feelings of man for his fellow being: Who can deny that the literature of the Jamaat has missed a part of the educated youth by confusing the immature mind of the Universities students with instilling antiquated ideas and trite rituals. It has directly and indirectly contributed a lot of obscurantism dominating today’s Pakistan which has brought the country to the brink of dark ages where enlightenment is starving and logic is trampled by faith-led dictum of the sanctimonious minds. And who can deny a vicious role of Nawaz Sharif in strengthening and proliferating Taliban ism in the Punjab to win over the conservative forces with a purpose to securing his position strong in the election to grapple the powers by hooks or crooks: The present Maulvi Sharif is the most dangerous Rasputin who have given hideouts to the Pakistani Taliban to gain support of the conservative segment of the society. Sharif intensified General Zia-ul-Haqs controversial Islamization policies, and introduced Islamic Laws such as the Shariat Ordinance and Bait-ul-Maal (to help poor orphans widows, etc.); Moreover he gave tasks to the Ministry of Religion to prepare reports and recommendations for steps taken toward Islamization. He ensured the establishment of three committees. Ittehad-e-bain-ul-Muslemeen (Unity of Muslims Bloc) Nifaz-e-Shariat Committee (Sharia Establishment Committee) Islamic Welfare Committee The views of Maudoodi, the founder of the Jamaat: “ A telling comment was made by Maulana Maudoodi who, when asked whether he would permit to base their constitution on their own religion, replied: “ Certainly, I should have no objection even if the Muslims of India are treated in that form of government as Shudras and Malishes and Manu’s laws are applied on them, depriving them all share in the government and rights of citizen” { Munir Report}. His Islamic Chauvinism : “ Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation that rules it”. Iqbal’s views about religion. It is unfortunate that every believer at the noon of his life begins to abandon his ‘ reason’ and march towards the world of myths and fairy tales fixing his glance on the heavens where beautiful lasses and hot drink in Paradise are waiting to welcome him. The saying of a sage.” Man is a rational animal, and to have blind faith in anything itself exiles him from the species of human beings”. {W.K. Clifford} should not be taken casually, it contain wisdom for people who want to know truth about life. The present Maulvi Sharif is the most dangerous Rasputin who have given hideouts to the Pakistani Talibans to gain support of the conservative segment of the society. Sharif intensified General Zia-ul-Haqs controversial Islamization policies, and introduced Islamic Laws such as the Shariat Ordinance and Bait-ul-Maal (to help poor orphans widows, etc.); Moreover he gave tasks to the Ministry of Religion to prepare reports and recommendations for steps taken toward Islamization. He ensured the establishment of three committees. Ittehad-e-bain-ul-Muslemeen (Unity of Muslims Bloc) Nifaz-e-Shariat Committee (Sharia Establishment Committee) Islamic Welfare Committee On the other hand, our Allama Iqbal becomes more than a Maulana when he curses intellect:” The essence of religion is faith, and faith, like bird seeks its trackless way unattended by intellect, which in the words of the mystic of Islam, only waylays the living heart of man of the invisible wealth of life that lies within “. The fact is :” Like clothes which become wasteful after its use, religion with the passage of time becomes extravagant”. Maulana Diesel is more prominent among the ignorant leaders of Islam. He declared his religious verdict : a dog killed in Drown attack is martyr. It emerges that a dog which sustained the injuries of Drown attack is Ghazi. This is the absolute ignorance of our Church which claims to set us on the right path in social, political and moral fields of life. Viewing the role of our Church in politics and other domains of life, I cannot help appreciating the perceptions of James Madison, the fourth President of America on religion in politics: “ The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries “.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:25:49 +0000

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