The artist represents altruism of love for the beauty of things. - TopicsExpress


The artist represents altruism of love for the beauty of things. The philosopher and the scientist represent altruism of love for the truth of things. The moral genius represents the altruism of love for the goodness of things. No wonder an artist thinks of the Universe as an order of beauty, a philosopher as an order of truth, and a moral genius as a moral order. Though, the artist, the philosopher and the moral genius represent the altruism of love, altruism controlled by truth rises to the highest glory. It is when beauty is truth, and goodness is truth, that truth, goodness and beauty become one. Hence it is when the artist rises from the worship of sensuous beauty to the worship of truth in life and universe that he attains to the highest achievement and becomes the philosopher poet or the moral genius poet. When love of truth is the, basis of relationship to things and persons, we realize that the whole meaning and significance of our life lies in unconditional service; utter devotion and ultimate sacrifice for them. Unless we appreciate the inner and intrinsic worth of what we serve, service is contemptible patronage and hence no service. Patronage is motivated by pity and not inspired by love. It degrades the giver and the receiver of the service. The receiver feels humiliated and the giver feels arrogant and both feel maladjusted to truth of inter-personal relationship. There is no meaning in the service of mankind unless mankind is appreciated as of intrinsic worth. Imagine a state of affairs in which the whole humanity is destroyed by atomic warfare except one young couple in some hilly area. This pair may be of very mediocre abilities and character. Yet in their lives they have the power to create a new humanity when all other existences of the three orders of existence stand helpless to give birth to a human being, a being who has the capacity to discover or understand truth, to create and appreciate beauty or to behold some good and live it. What is of intrinsic worth in a man is his, capacity to move under certain conditions, some untruths and evils in him and contemplate and live some. Truth and goodness in his life.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:29:16 +0000

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