The atmosphere condition indicates that snow would be falling - TopicsExpress


The atmosphere condition indicates that snow would be falling soon. Once the snow starts to fall then it would be necessary to take a more stationary position to observe the subject. Optic camouflage would continue working but would not snow from accumulating on a surface. The subject had been under observation now for over a week. It started just after the subject had changed jobs. His new work place had prevented continuous observation due to its high security system. So the subject would continue to be follow for the rest of the week then a new subject will have to be chosen if a method of infiltration for subject work place could not be found. Today it had been easy. The subject had spent most of his time investigating this site. According to the monitor conversation on the subject phone, a murder was committed here sometime last night. All indications point to the victim being toss off the bluff by her ex-husband, Stan Gauss. Stan was kind enough to post numerous videos and audio recordings of his activities that night. He is what they call Bigfoot hunter. Not a very successful one though, since the most he has to show for five years of work are some blurry images in both still and video along with odd sounds. Nothing that could be consider convincing evidence. Now Stan told authority that a Bigfoot threw his ex-wife Cindy Upton off the bluff. There is no video to back that up. However the analysis of audio would indicate that were three different sound sources moving the camp that night. The subject is investigating the third sound source. Doctor Amanda Robinson, the subject employer, had made the determination with her own technology. Her technology is impressive along with her encryption which remains unbroken. At last the subject is following the path the third source had use to exit the camp. The path follows along the edge of the bluff proving to be dangerous. He comes to a point along the path where a gap exist. Some one meter to jump over, odds are her will be successful. If he fails, he will fall some thirty meters to his. Intervention is not recommended at this time. It would only scare the subject. A course dying would also cause the need to find a new subject. He jumps the gap with no difficulty. A period of minute should allow the subject to be far enough ahead not to detect that he is being follow. Clearing the gap also not a problem. Gun shots, yelling subject is in trouble. A large hairy ape like creature has the subject and is attempting to throw the subject off the bluff. The subject’s gun lays at before me. What to do? A quick scan shows the creature is actually a robot. The subject has only a few seconds left before the robot will able to toss him. I pick up the weapon then aim for what I had determined is control center. Dropping the camouflage, I release four salvo destroying the control center. The robot looks like it would fall over the bluff taking the subject with it. Moving quickly, I push the robot back causes it to fall but doing so on the top of the bluff. The subject stands up slowly on trembling legs. “Who are you?” He ask hardly able to speak while try to catch his breathe. How to answer? Simple. Truthfully. “I am observer. My name is Tel.” “You’re a what?” Maybe the complete truth is not the best idea. “I was looking for Bigfoot. I don’t that is it?” “Yeah you got that right.” The subject walks over to take his weapon. “That’s a murder weapon.” “In deed”, I look at the robot. “Who made it?” “Now that’s the big question?” The subject extends his hand. “I am Archie Goldman.” “What do we do now?” I point at the pile of junk that use to be the robot. “I got a forensic kit in the car. If you will help me. We should be done before the snow gets to bad.” He smiles at me. “Not a problem, I love mysteries.” I hope my words sounded convincing. “Good then we go over to Doc’s and I will introduce you.” His breathing had become normal. “Ok.” I follow him to his car. It looks like infiltration will be easy.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 04:58:42 +0000

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