The authenticity of pinoy big brother has always been questioned - TopicsExpress


The authenticity of pinoy big brother has always been questioned by most. I, myself, am doubtful of the actuality of the said reality show. The theory that all are just performances, scripted and planned cannot escape the mind of a typical skeptic individual. However, no one has ever proven nor has anyone provided evidence that the show is nothing but mere act. Due to lack of evidence, let us remove the possibility that it (pbb) is actually contained. We now move on to the superficial and criticize the realness of the housemates doings. Assuming that the dynamics of social relationships developed within the group are instinctive, natural and spontaneous, could we really be sure that all those actions and emotions expressed by the subjects are genuinely true? Surely, some of their actions are altered considering the fact that these subjects are quite aware of their current situation. They know that they are under surveillance 24/7 and that all their actions would project a consequent impression towards the public. Psychologically speaking, it is almost impossible for someone to act as their own true selves while other people (in this case millions of people) watchtheir every move. Basically, the presence of others (real or imagined) puts pressure to a person. Plus, the fact that aftermaths/issues awaits every feats and executions (from cash prizes to negative impression by the general public) that participants do, it is expected of them (housemates) to automatically portray a person that is charismatic and quite likable thus creating a persona. This persona then becomes the very person we admire. Needless to say, this mask this persona, although a part of the self, is not essentially the self. What we see in the tv is not the person himself but just a part of him thats conscious and mindful. Therefore, such programs are successful in showcasing not the real self but the unreal masks that people wear.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:01:14 +0000

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