The author has missed the point of the issue of concern. Not that - TopicsExpress


The author has missed the point of the issue of concern. Not that we dont know at all the sufferings and injustices of people all around us, including those escaping from wars, conflicts and persecution, Christians in particular from North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. We have relatives from Vietnam here who can tell similar stories and how they struggled along the way in refugee camps before they were accepted into Australia, Canada, US and so on. The point is that certain boat peoples pretending to be asylum seekers are found to be people smugglers as reported in the news before again and again. Asylum seekers, once recognized as refugees, able to stay in Australia, engage in people smuggling activities and other criminal works, bringing evils of all sorts as well as injustices into the land here. This is why they should be stopped in the first instance because of their illegal entry, setting very bad examples by encouraging others to do injustices if they suit their goals. On top of that, certain groups end up taking over our communities by their coming stage by stage; they are not keen to be involved in assimilating into Australian way of life, people from the Middle East especially so by their example, the way they dress, the way they behave themselves and relate to others etc.. Boat peoples by the way they have come demonstrate no respect for Australian authorities, especially by using people smugglers to achieve their purposes. Their action speaks louder than 10,000 words of their protects and demands in detention centers. It hast cost tax payers more than 60 billions when they burnt down the facilities in Nauru, and also some time ago on Christmas Island, on top of the daily cost of keeping them alive, well looked after with food, shelter, medicine, and other support services. They are well treated than the homeless here in Australia. How unfair it has been in terms of government spending and attention being used on and given them rather than on the homeless and highly disadvantaged here. They have no rights to demand from Australia; they are much better treated than anywhere else they could have found in any refugee camps around the globe. They should be thankful for what is given them, and repent of their wrongdoing against Australians and Australian government. Heavy punishment should be introduced on those who use asylum seeking as an excuse to get what they want at the expense of others. Those genuine refugees coming legally by waiting patiently in the queue and doing the right things in the process should be shown compassion, mercy and community support so that their shattered lives may be restored. Those doing evil in their midst should be put out of the way and deported in 7 days.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:53:51 +0000

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