The battle between Obama and the Republicans is a sad and pitiful - TopicsExpress


The battle between Obama and the Republicans is a sad and pitiful contest for the same reason that a baseball game is in which one side plays by the rules and the other one races the bases in motorcycles and shoots the balls over the fence with an RPG. Ted Cruz has come the closest to understanding that the other side just doesnt play by any rules, but he lacks the leverage to make much of that. Cruz is still a product of a system in which there are rules. Law is a consensus. If you stop keeping the law, the police arrest you. If a gang of left-wing radicals in a basement somewhere stopped following the law, they might be locked up. (Its not a certain thing considering that the terrorist Bill Ayers is a university professor.) But once those same left-wing radicals control much of the system and the media that reports on the system, they have no reason to follow the law. The United States has never really had full-bore left-wing radicals running it before. It does now. The counterculture has become the culture. The only laws that Obama will follow are those that allow him to do what he wants to do anyway. The Left subjects each law to an ideological test. If the law meets the ideological test, which is based on “social justice” criteria entirely foreign to the American legal system, it can stay. If not, then it will either be struck down or disregarded. They have applied their ideological test to the nation as a whole and decided that the United States does not pass it. The only reason we dont call them rebels is because they are in control of almost the entire system of government. Can a government be considered in rebellion against a nations laws and its established order? That is the bizarre situation we find ourselves in. A million conspirators tear apart and remake the system in countless ways on a daily basis while the leadership remains in open rebellion of the laws that it is obligated to abide by and enforce. Obama and the Republicans are fighting a civil war which only the rebels in power understand. The Republicans, who for the most part are about as radical as a three-piece suit, are fighting to maintain a consensus in which everyone follows the law and settles their disagreements by hammering out a compromise that keeps the system going. They struggle to find common ground over a mutual respect for the system where none exists. The unequal contest pits rebels trashing the system from the top against conservative defenders of an old order fighting from the bottom. A government in rebellion against the laws is one that asserts that no power, not that of tradition, of the legal covenants that brought the system into being or even the previous votes of the people, is superior to it. The rebellion of governments against the laws they are obligated to enforce is tyranny. sultanknish.blogspot/2013/10/the-supersessionists-of-liberal.html
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:20:53 +0000

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