The battle continues until the truth about the way demons have - TopicsExpress


The battle continues until the truth about the way demons have infiltrated our life is discovered. The most fascinating way the watchers interact with us is through the way we use food. We are taught that we should eat three times a day for health, but this is bogus. The truth is we should fast 3 times a week. Demons hate an empty stomach, because they know it raises your true spiritual vibrations. And what is called hunger hormones raises our cells activities and helps us to discover the truth as to how the Universe really works. This is done by us having to seek a true reliance on who to really call to be feed, and the law of attraction doesn’t bring the bread. When Jesus said, " take and eat: this is my body...Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant" (Matt. 26:26-28), His words were intended to lift the listeners from their food-dominated existence to the truth of real hunger, the hunger of which can only be filled by a different bread. Food and power distracts the mind from the NEED of nourishment from the soul. And this is one of the very reasons I am constantly trying to teach about demons and their workings. When we are not prescribed this truth, we really do enter the world of the watchers, their law of attraction, and The Power the Secret. We are full, and we are exposed to the idea of this other way, and it’s so called simplicity or love. We are being feed like livestock, and our spirits are being plumped for the slaying. Our Godly vibrations are being neutralized for them to transform to the energy of materialism. Real life is spirit, and the war that rages for your very one, is right there in your life. Is it not surprising that the first temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness was to change stones to bread? The dragon knew, precisely the force of his taunt. “Do this,” said Satan, “and the world will follow You.” “There are the watchers out there and they want to eat us, but first they need to fatten us up”-ML
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 20:28:29 +0000

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