The battle is really an internal one... It is for the minds of the - TopicsExpress


The battle is really an internal one... It is for the minds of the people within the nation, not against those who are foreign enemies that might gain access. Those can easily be manipulated to the favor of the oligarchy. What they fear is dissent from citizens within America that may interrupt their plans to establish a new global feudalism. But first. America must fall. A new paradigm must be established which will supersede the old. If the old value system is allowed to continue, it will prevent the completion of long laid plans. Therefore we face the unreasonable reasoning of present day liberals. Doublethink, Newspeak, political correctness.... Do you think these things just appeared out of thin air and became a new political norm ? Then you must believe ISIS materialized out of the desert like the Scorpion King`s Army and took over Iraq and Syria from Never Never Land. The brunt of the NSA activities are to monitor. and find useful information to be used aginst American citizens. Always has been, always will be. The terror attacks were just the excuse to do it without Americans complaining about rights of privacy being a thing of the past. And they did adapt, and many are in fear... But freedom of speech must exist for freedom to exist, and there is no true freedom of speech in a surveillance state. A democratic republic has fallen and but few have even noticed. Everyone rationalizes and then more former rights are demoted privileges, and the people would have another king...and a new society, thinking it is progressive and they are the vanguard of something new and wonderful. But the reality of human nature, obscured for but a brief moment, will come from the shadows and bite the hand that indulged it. Always has, always will... And that is why the Constitution was written the way it was. Which also necessitates its removal before the same old system initiates the same old power structure and the same old things of the past are once again repeated for a naive generation that has never learned its history.... But only after the boot is set upon their necks do they realize their mistake. Ask Neville Chamberlain....or Winston Chirchill... They being dead yet speaketh..if you still can read a book...
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 08:53:39 +0000

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