The beginning of my Legal Vocabulary adaχstron, -ī (no): - TopicsExpress


The beginning of my Legal Vocabulary adaχstron, -ī (no): halter [OI adastar] adapī, -ās (fā): night [OI adaig] adgaryos, -ī (mo): lawyer [DLG, p. 32] adgaryet (BII), adgaryon, -ī (no): demand, claim, sue [OI ad.garim] adgaryon, -ī (no): lawsuit, process [OI ad.garim, vn. acre, acrai] adgneton, -ī (no): nature, essence, mind [OI aicned] adreget (BI), adregon, -ī (no): bind (physical/legal sense), obligate, compel [OI ad.rig, vn. árach] adregon, -ī (no): a binding, obligation, tying, bond [OI árach] adṷeron, -ī (no): cause, matter, material [OI adbur, adbar] allā dekan: (lit., "other ten") twelve (nights) [OI aile deec] allā, -ās (fā): (pronoun used as a noun; lit. "other") second (night) [DLG, p. 39; OI aile] amman, ammanos (nn): time, moment, period [OI amm] amđđerā, -ās (fā): time, moment, period [OI amser] anamū, anamonos (mn): soul [OI ainimm] anatyon, -ī (no): soul [DLG, p. 44] andosedon, -ī (no): furniture [DLG, p. 48] anman, anmanos > anṷan, anṷanos (nn): name [DLG pp. 49-50; OI ainmm] areboṷyon, -ī (no): hedge, fence, pen [OI airbe] aredībinat (BIV), aredībiyon, -ī (nyo): cut, strike, kill [OI air.di.benim, vn. airdbe] aredíbiyon, -i (nyo): a cutting, striking, killing [OI airdbe] arelimpet (BI), arelimpon, -ī (no): lend [OI ara.leicthar, vn. airliciud] arelimpon, -ī (no): loan [OI airliciud] areoron, -ī (no): fine (one-seventh of honour price), edge, coast, shore [OI airer] arepiđđyū, -onos (mn): view, sight [OI aircsiu] areṷidyon, -ī (no): (lit., "sign") debt [OI airde] areṷiđđus, -oūs (mu): knowledge [OI airfius] areṷoreget (BI), areṷoregon, -ī (no): hold back, delay, restrain [OI ar.fuirig, vn. arfuirech] areṷoregon, -ī (no): constraint, limitation [OI arfuirech] argantoslougos, -ī (mo): silver mine [OI airgetlach] aryaχtā, -ās (fā): judicial assembly [OI airecht] aryodensis, -ēs (fi): assembly of chiefs and vassals [OI aire désa] aryos, -ī (myo): chief [OI aire] atearereget (BI), ateareregon, -i (no)/ateareregyá, -yás (fyá): repeat, emend [OI ad.errig, vn. aithirrech] ateareregon, -ī (no)/ateareregyā, -yās (fā): repetition, rectification [OI aithirrech] atebinat (BIV), atebemman, -anos (nn): perish [OI ait.benim] ategēnū, -onos (mn): rebirth, regeneration [OI athgein] ategniyon, -ī (nyo): knowledge, recognition [OI aithigne] ateṷiđđis, -ēs (fi): insult [OI aithis] atidāmā, -ās (fā): repair damage [OI aetaim] ayrā, -ās (fā): satire, magical curse [OI áer] ayđđon, -ī (no): class, people [OI aes, lit. "age"]
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 02:35:28 +0000

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