The beginning of the long series of novels I am beginning to - TopicsExpress


The beginning of the long series of novels I am beginning to write. Would appreciate what you think so far. The night was cold, fog had drifted low reducing the quality of sight, a stale smell, a smell of gasses and oils and things that smell of mechanical industry drifted through the air. A man cloaked in black, stood a midst this foggy cold night walking with his head high but his eyes, his eyes were heavy under his shallow hood, they showed age that his young face did not reflect, as if someone had plucked the eyes of an old and wise man, and set them in this mans face. He knew things others did not, others would not, his knowledge was like a burden and he had but no one but himself to carry it. He had seen magic, used it himself, he had seen kings, lords, aliens of all sorts, shapes and sizes, and he had brought death and destruction to his foes and brought nothing but calm soothing music to his friends and loves. He had loved, fought and hurt in his short life, he was a dangerous man, cunning, intelligent beyond measure... and above all, he was a man of myth, and legend... at least, his many achievements are told as such, few believed, but most are true, if not a little bit exaggerated. His eyes drifted into the distance... it begun to rain. A ship flew overhead casting its shadow and heat shimmers over the man rustling his cloak and hood as he moved up a large set of wide stairs that led to a grand building, the building was gray as gray can be, ships flew over it, that it was too wide to fly around. The man carried himself to the entrance and when stopped by the two guards he moved his hood to uncover a shining mark upon his forehead, the guards looked at each other and realizing who it was cluttered as they allowed him to pass. He walked through the tall halls now showing an air of command with each step he took. He wove through in and out of the vast halls till he came to a room and strode through the door as quickly as it opened on its own leaving it behind as it closed shut again as quickly as a sword to a neck. The room was lit dimly but you could see cells and a shallow roof, the cells had a sort of energy field as clear see-through walls to allow both prevention from leaving but also communication. Only one cell was occupied and it had a man who held his head high and his eyes were full of questions all though his face betrayed his eyes, expressing utter contempt, the prisoner caught sight of the wise man as he walked through the doors and stood up, Come to pay me a visit have you now? he questioned with an accusing tone. The wise man stopped in front of the cell and stared at the prisoner for a long minute till finally he opened his mouth, Its good to see you old friend. The prisoners eyes widened, Friend? Me? Last I recall you tried to have me, Gendry the great pirate of the Eastern Star captured and killed... well you may of achieved the capturing part anyways. he smirked I did what was needed. His gaze drifted for a moment So it would seem... The wise man waved his hand and the cells energy field turned off, he stood there not moving, Ive heard youve been asking a lot of questions about my life, where I came from, who I am and who I was... He walked up to Gendry and sat down opposite to him and leaned forward, Why?. Gendry was cautious of having the wise man in his vicinity intruding on his personal space, but he gave a smirk trying to betray his thoughts, Informations worth a lot you know. The wise man sat back and begun to relax, You dont need any funds, youre already one of the richest men in the galaxy... tell me why you are researching me. I was interested. In what? You of course... here we have a man, who came from well... No where it seems, you are gifted beyond measure, He started pacing and pointed his finger at his temple, your mind is brilliant, yet youre so young. I want to know where you came from, you fascinate me, I dont see how anyone so young as you could possibly achieve well... so much in such a short time, youre only... how old are you? 21. The wise man replied. Ah! You see, 21 years old and already you command so much power, both physically and legally, you truly are interesting... You asked me why? I asked because I want to study you. Catalogue you. I want to be the man who found the secrets of the man who the galaxy both fears and loves equally. He stopped and sat back down. For a long moment the wise man sat there pondering what he had just heard, he knew that this would happen eventually, but he was sure it would be long after he was dead. After a long moment of silence he finally broke it and handed Gendry a rectangular device. Whats this? Gendry questioned, as he held it in his hands. An information-pad. I know that, I may be cooped up in a cell but that doesnt mean I dont know what technology is going around. Its for recording our conversations. You mean... Gendry trailed off. The wise man held up his hand, If someone is going to record my life, to say what happened, I do not want it to be anything but the truth, if you are going to tell a telling of tales about me then we might as well make it a telling of truths. Excited the man turned on the recording, So, where to begin? How about you tell me the whole story? Whole story? Thats a mighty tale it is... Well, I guess it all started when Empire colonized my planet, well they tried to anyways... The wise man drifted for a minute and re-affirmed himself, No, if it is going to be a telling of tales and truths we might as well start from the start, from where it all begun... In the beginning there was the Void, and in that Void a spark begun to expand shaping its own energy to create the first galaxy... Gendry smiled and laughed, Really now? This is a long beginning... Come now surely we dont need a history lesson... Old Gendry cannot have his time wasted with such boring details. The wise man grinned, You arent that old, Gendry. Gendry smirked, What should I call you these days, do you still go under your old name? People call me Kaeth now. Kaeth took a breath, Okay, lets skip pass how the universe begun, all the tales of barons and wars, loves and heartbreaks, family feuds and politics, lets assume that I am the center of creation, lets skip to the only story that matters... His lip curled to a smile, Mine.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 01:05:48 +0000

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