The being of Gods essence is always present. Salvation brings the - TopicsExpress


The being of Gods essence is always present. Salvation brings the restoration of a divine connection and perfect alignment between God and man. We must be totally preoccupied with our love and adoration of God for who He is, not for the things He does. God is the self-existent Creator in whom all things come into existence for His pleasure, in Him they continue living and have their being. To know Him is to be possessed with a hunger and thirst for more God consciousness, to cry out, Give me all of Thee; for there is nothing more, there is nothing else, but You, oh God! Jesus is our only hope of perfection through faithfully practicing spiritual receptiveness. Without the love of Jesus, our hearts are barren clay vessels, cracked and full of want. When total surrender comes the Master Potter lovingly removes the marred surface of our disfigured lives and fills in the cracked places where we have suffered great loss. He molds and remakes us into His image perfectly shaping the clay into a beautiful vessel of honor. The Holy Spirit dwells within the heart of man conforming us into His image. He is closer than our concealed thoughts, our soul or the breath that we breathe. When we repent of our fascination with the visible, tangible things of this world our eyes will be opened to see Gods invisible beauty from a higher vantage point. A great calamity of our time is when we have deaf ears that are closed to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. This grieves the Holy Spirit and those whose hearts cry out for the living God to make His presence known. Many in the Church and in the world at large need a personal, tangible encounter with a living God. The Church must reacquaint themselves with the spiritual wisdom and true knowledge of God. Our blinded eyes cannot know God by external earthly pursuits that are confined to the soulish realm of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus the Living Word, the Tree of Life, and the deep and hidden things which are freely given to us of God. The Glory and Presence of God. Ezekiel gazed into an open heaven. There he beheld the invisible. He saw visions of what appeared to be the enormity of God appearing in the likeness of man. God was seated on a sapphire stone throne obscured by an amber cloud of glory with a blazing fire that enfolded itself. Ezekiel struggled with the correct verbiage to describe the magnitude of what he saw as the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. When Ezekiel saw the glory, he fell upon his face. Then he heard a voice of one that spoke. Ezekiel suggested that the heavenly creatures around the throne resembled things he had seen on earth trying to bring intelligibility in a natural likeness. As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle... As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire... Ezekiel 1:10, 13 When God took Ezekiel to the Valley of Dry Bones He asked Ezekiel, Can these bones live? Ezekiel did not presume to know anything in the presence of an All-Knowing God. He humbly responded, O Lord God, You alone know! ...see Ezekiel 3. Ezekiels heart was open and surrendered to discovering the mystery presented by God. Arrogant speech is a luxury none can afford in the presence of the Mighty. When confronted by the delight of Gods presence the prophetic seer waited in silence to hear what the Lord would whisper. We will be filled to the measure that we hunger and desire to know God in His fullness. Holy Spirit covers us with His grace, so we become presentable inside and out. His forgiveness cleanses and purifies our inner life allowing us to draw nearer to cultivate the presence of God in confidence. There we receive mercy, wisdom and find grace in our time of need. Decide to always place the Lords face before your eyes and with skilled determination forever keep Him the focus of your heart.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:54:25 +0000

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