The below letter is what the Plenary of the House of - TopicsExpress


The below letter is what the Plenary of the House of Representatives deliberated on yesterday and filed a vote of Non-Confidence in the Superintendent and Development Superintendent of Nimba County. The author of the letter is Hon. R. Matenokay Tingban of Nimba County. There are several things I see wrong with the letter including the fact that the letter is characterized by bundles of grammatical errors. I consider it a complete mockery to academia for Hon. Tingban, who I am told has a Bachelor Degree to not know the difference between CONSCIENCE and CONSCIOUS, INTENT and INTEND, he would spell the past tense of TAKE as TOKE because TAKE is spelt T-A-K-E, would use give for gave and does not know the difference between HABIT and HOBBY. What beats my imagination further is for a Bachelor Degree Holder to refer to mayors of cities as City Majors. And guess what? He wants to be Vice President of the Republic of Liberia and some of our friends are telling us to vote for any party he would associate himself with because he is a Nimbain. Are they serious? Now, let me focus my attention on other issues I have problem with regarding Hon. Tingbans letter. Hon. Tingban is moving around and preaching that the people of Liberia need to respect their leaders, I support his idea. I thought people should live by example, that is, practice what they preach. Hon. Tingban who is telling us to respect our leaders used all sorts of disrespectful adjectives on the Superintendent in his letter to the speaker. For example, he referred to the Superintendent as an arrogant Superintendent. This is a man who wants respect in return after disrespecting other leaders. Can he be serious? Hon. Tingban indicated in his counts against the Superintendent that the Superintendent suspended the PMCs Chair with disregard to the budget law. I am told that the County Council is the body clothed with the authority to dismiss the PMCs Chair and the county council sits once in a year, for instance, December. Now, if the PMCs Chair is caught embezzling the countys funds in January for instance, should we let him to stay in his capacity and continue to steal until December to be removed by the council? I need an answer. Hon. Tingban informed his colleagues that the Superintendent is in the constant habit of instructing ERUs Personnels against his own citizens. Lets be realistic here, is Superintendent Zuagele so evil that he would instruct security personnels to brutalize his own citizens? Additionally, Hon. Tingban alleged that the Superintendent and ASD clandestinely entered a contract with North Star Industries as opposed to their prefer company, Western Steel for the sale of Nimbas Scraps. This is the real issue that gets to the nerves of our law makers. Why are they preferring Western Steel to North Star when North Star has a better offer? From the way they are defending Western Steel with their last blood suggests to me that Western Steel has loaded their pockets. What a shame? Regarding the $100,000.00USD allegation, I am told that the Superintendent adequately and satisfactorily addressed it. However, the law makers filed a vote of non-confidence in the Supt. and the ASD. Yes, it is now their high expectation that the president sacks the two persons and replace them with weaklings who will be dictated to by our law makers so as to exploit our county and enrich themselves. Nimba is about to bleed financially people. Well, before I close, let me bring to your attention what I experienced at the capitol yesterday which made me real sick of our Nimba Law Makers. Imagine Representative Solomon George of Montserrado County on his way to decide the fate of the Supt. and ASD remarked that they were resolved to land the Supt. and ASD in jail. A youth of Nimba responded to him by telling him that the Supt. and ASD have done nothing to go to jail. Hon. George slapped the boy for simply saying that the Supt. and ASD have nothing to be incarcerated. Interestingly, our Nimba Law Makers instead of being concerned as to why one of their citizens was slapped by their colleague, they further demonstrated their hatred for the Supt. and brought charges against him claiming that the Supt. incited the boy to insult their colleague which was not the case. THANKS HONOURABLE LAW MAKERS OF NIMBA FOR THE JOB WELL DONE. KEEP IT UP.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:48:45 +0000

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