The beneficiaries .. if their MACHIAVELLIAN PLAN had succeeded .. - TopicsExpress


The beneficiaries .. if their MACHIAVELLIAN PLAN had succeeded .. are regrouping still hoping to reap from the project gone sour .. Interesting stuff .. SEE WIKILEAKS .. 1) - Karua (the then justice minister) &Wetangule (the then foreign minister) were PNUs reps in all matters that touched PEV & cases related .. ( 2) - Quote .. certainly Martha Karuas 2012 presidential bid would be helped if Uhuru Kenyatta were to face trial. Likewise, Odinga would benefit from a potential trial of William Ruto -- a potential rival whose future would be severely diminished .. ( 3) - Quote .. Odinga is increasingly perceived as feckless, unable or unwilling to govern effectively and move forward the reform agenda. There is growing disillusionment within his camp (as ***CONVEYED BY KEY INTERLOCUTORS OF*** Odinga,s Orange Democratic Movement, ODM, party to the Ambassador). Odinga,s being seen as in a weakened position may be wishful thinking given his political resilience and the fact that he could yet emerge as a reformer, but he has clearly lost significant popular support. The ODM seems both directionless and less united than before. .. ( 4) - Quote .. We think the chances are small that Karua will eclipse Kenyatta .. However, she HAS THE POTENTIAL TO PLAY SPOILER. Karua made a point of reaching out to Prime Minister Raila Odinga when she was a sitting minister. Short of being the GEMA candidate in 2012, Karua may ally with Odinga to ruin Kenyattas chances of victory as well as position herself for a senior position in an Odinga government. ... We believe that tactical cooperation between Kenyatta and Ruto will continue where they have mutual interests, but that a FORMAL ALLIANCE IS UNLIKELY, at least in teh short-term. Poloffs recent visit to Rift Valley (septel) leads us to believe that a Kikuyu-Kalenjin alliance would not yet be acceptable to the Kalenjin at the grassroots level, who still feel aggrieved by unaddressed land issues and perceived Kikuyu condescension toward them. Also, Ruto has his own presidential ambitions and would be unlikely to enter into an alliance to play second fiddle to Kenyatta. .. (
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:04:55 +0000

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