The best English 83. Easy English Writing. 00:00 We having fun - TopicsExpress


The best English 83. Easy English Writing. 00:00 We having fun with English. 00:27 Keywords: 00:30 - glue (n) Part of my shoe fell off. I used some glue to put it back on. 00:44 - tape (n) Put some tape on the back of the envelope so it will stay closed. 00:55 - sound (v) That movie sounds intereting. I want to see it! 01:07 Lets say the keywords together again: - glue (n) - tape (n) - sound (v) 01:27 The miisiion of the day is: What is Max learning about? 01:59 Small Town. Part 1. Ben - Hi, Sara. Sara - Hey, Ben. Hi, Max. What are you cooking? Can I try some? Max - Uh,OK. Sara - Wait. What is it? Max - Its glue. Sara - Glue!? Ew! You would let me eat glue? Max - Well, you asked to try some. Ben - Its just flour and water. It wont hurt you. Sara - Flour and water make glue? Max - Well, kind of. Its more like paste. 02:36 Study the keyword: 03:48 - glue (n) 04:32 Small town. Part 2. Sara - Why are you making paste? Max - Youll see. Ben, can you get that newspaper? Put it on the table. Ben - Do you need these cardboard boxes, too? Max - Yes, and the tape. Sara - What is going on? Betty - Am I realy? Max - No, youre on time. Come in! Sara - What is going on?! Betty - Were having a papier- mache class! Sara - And Max is the teacher? 05:09 Study the keyword: 05:33 - tape (n) 07:02 Small Town. Part 3. Max - Im learning about papier-mache in my DIY class, remember. Sara? Sara - Oh, right! I chose that class for you. You like it? Max - I do. Betty - Max sounded so excited about papier-mache. I asked him to teach me. Ben - Max said I could stay for dinner if I joined the class. Max - Do you want to join us. Sara? Sara - Well, OK. I like crafts. And I want to see if you really know what youre doing! 07:45 The answer todays mission is: He is learning about papier- mache in his DIY class. 08:37 Study the keyword: 08:40 - sound (v) 09:46 Inspector E 10:04 Im learning about papier - mache in my DLY class. 10:15 ... learning about... 11:29 Conversation Replay. 13:27 Calendar Phrase: I made this myself. Boy. Look, Marie. I made this myself. Girl. Wow! Thats really nice, John. Boy. Thanks. I spent two hours making it. I made this myself. Girl. Thats great. Boy. Yes. I made this myself. Its really special to me. Girl. I can see that. So what is it? Boy. I dont know! But I made it myself! 15:05 Question of the day: Do you like diing crafts. Why? or Why not? Dictionary: - glue (n) - tape (n) - sound (v)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 00:26:41 +0000

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