The best resource, the ONE who will tell you ALL the answers, is - TopicsExpress


The best resource, the ONE who will tell you ALL the answers, is SOUL~YOUR DIVINE SELF. The only way to learn about YOURSELF, is to do the inner work. You will not find anything in books, on how to find YOURSELF. You will not find it online, you will not find it from gurus, you will not find it anywhere, but INside YOU. I found MYSELF. I didnt know what I was doing, but MY DIVINE SELF sent me things that ALL related, and because Im visually aware, I really noticed these things, and immediately found connection and now know it was always synchronicity. And along the way I worked MY HURT! I did listen to guides, like Alan Watts, hes a guide, but when I listen to him, its because the video was put in front of me by MY DIVINE SELF, so I watched it. In most cases there is ONLY ONE sentence that I need to hear, and I always know when Ive heard it, that it was what I needed to hear. Gurus have found themselves. Maybe they feel they can teach others. Finding YOURSELF is an IN-divide-U-ALL process. You ARE an INDIVIDUAL, a unique manifestation of the UNIVERSE. How can ONE person teach another? If youre looking for ONENESS, WE already ARE ONE! WE ARE ENERGY! WE ARE ENERGY INCARNATE INto INdividuals, WE find OUR WAY INdividually. ONLY WE KNOW how WE have experienced LIFE, none other can tell US or help US, especially when WE ARE unwilling to FACE OURSELVES. That IS KEY, facing yourself and being vulnerable and SEEING your LIFE, is YOUR PROCESS. NATURE, dreams, ANIMALS, meditations, writing, ART, MUSIC, reading sci-fi and fantasy books, seeing quotes by ancients, watching ANIMAL videos, picking up things on science here and there, MY imagination and creativity, BEING WIDE OPEN, BEING a MAGICAL CHILD, believing EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, CONNECTED AND LOVE, BEING OPEN to LOVE, openly LOVING without expectations and unconditionally, working MY HURT! Working MY HURT! Working MY HURT! Knowing that MY ENERGY started RISING, the day I decided to change MY LIFE. Knowing that from that day, it was one month that I first felt my Kundalini in MY Yoni, and another 9 months to feel it in MY head. And to know today that ENERGY FLOWS through ME from the UNIVERSE. I know I AM the RESURRECTION of the LIGHT. I know I AM THE GREAT MOTHER. I learned everything INside ME, in MY imagination. I AM visually AWARE. That IS a quality uniquely ME. You have qualities uniquely YOU, you know what they ARE. The WAY YOU LEARN, will help you find YOURSELF. Looking outside yourself, you will never find YOURSELF. Traveling INside IS the ONLY WAY TO YOURSELF~DIVINE SELF~SOUL.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:42:57 +0000

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