The best response I read in a long time, by my friend Beau to - TopicsExpress


The best response I read in a long time, by my friend Beau to someone saying its Israeli politics shes against: Which part - or parts - do you actually hate, (...), the part where Israel - and Israel alone - opens her borders to give refuge, aid, comfort and sanctuary to such a wide range of aslylum seekers, including Darfurians & Sudanese (as well as many other nationalities and ethnicities of persecuted African Muslim and Christian refugees), oppressed and abused women, LGBT community members - all of whom are or, but for Israels charity, generosity, kindness and hospitality, would have been mercilessly and brutally persecuted, oppressed, enslaved, and/or slaughtered by any of Israels neighbors? Or is it the part where Israel invests equal resources and gives equal priority to saving the lives not only of Israeli Arabs & Muslims, but also of Palestinian men, women, and children - even admitting and administering life-saving medical treatments to enemy combatants and failed suicide bombing terrorists? Or maybe its the part where Israel unilaterally and at its own monumental cost - in economic, political, security and human terms - left Gaza, essentially wrapped it up in ribbons and bows and gave it to the Palestinians along with over 300 mint-condition, functioning, and fully operational greenhouses (not to mention the homes and civil infrastructure of the thousands of Israelis who were violently uprooted from there by the Israeli government to make way for the Palestinians) which had been generating millions of dollars of revenue from exporting fruits, vegetables, & flowers? Wait, maybe its the part about Israels politics which confers absolute and total political, social and economic equality on gays, women and upon Arabs and Muslims - even to the extent that Muslim Arabs, men and women - serve equally and freely in Israels Parliament, Justice (including Israels Supreme Court), and Academic systems, as University Professors and students? Could it be the part where Israel grants free and full, equal citizenship rights to all citizens, irrespective of race, religion, gender, color, ethnicity or political persuasion - including the rights to vote, run for political office, seek and realize any professional / career goals and objectives they may entertain - to become doctors, lawyers, scientists, millionaires, business tycoons or whatever they want to be? Perhaps the thing that really gets you (and others like yourself) the most pissed off at Israel and the Jews is what the Palestinian Authority likes to speak out about so often - how we use the blood of gentile children to make matzohs for the Passover Festival? Sorry its a bit difficult for me to figure out - obviously, there are just so many reasons to hate Israel and so few things to like us for, I never know exactly which particular thing or things might be the one(s) that most inspires and drives the fanaticism of any one specific hater such as yourself. In that sense, I guess I am one of your imbeciles - so, unfortunately, youll have to explain your hatred toward Israel - or her politics - to me a little better in order for me to better understand exactly which type of hater you are.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 20:42:03 +0000

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