The best speakers from across Europe and beyond in one - TopicsExpress


The best speakers from across Europe and beyond in one place! Dutch PHP Conference brings together the best speakers and PHP talent from Europe and beyond for three days of high-level technical sessions. Our schedule is already online and features talks on Redis, Git, HHVM, NGINX, Security, Mocking, PhpSpec 2, Zend Framework 2, Apache Cassandra, JavaScript testing, Docker and much more; so come along to our two main conference days on 27th and 28th June in Amsterdam. In-depth tutorial sessions The tutorial day on Thursday 26th June at the same venue gives an opportunity for a smaller number of attendees to spend some time with an expert, going in-depth on particular topics - topics like DDD, Zend Framework 2, Ansible, Apigility, JavaScript Testing, Laravel, Symfony and more are all on offer. These are small groups so that presenters can respond to individual questions, and as a result places are limited. When booking for tutorial day you will be asked to book a place on a specific tutorial or 2 half day tutorials. Keep in mind, we do anticipate the more popular options to sell out well before the event. Dutch Mobile Conference Just like last year, DPC has a sibling! Because web development is moving to mobile at an ever-increasing rate, we decided to host a conference dedicated to mobile web development in parallel to the Dutch PHP Conference. Want to attend both events? Don’t worry, because with your DPC ticket you can visit the tracks at the DMC as well. The Ibuildings DPC team
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:29:21 +0000

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