The best way to take control of government and enact real change - TopicsExpress


The best way to take control of government and enact real change is to participate in the process of putting candidates in office. I WANT YOU Help Wanted To get good candidates elected. The task assigned to precinct committeemen and women is to distribute campaign literature for the candidates who can NOT walk every neighborhood themselves. We need volunteers who will walk the neighborhoods, knock on doors to see if the voters registered to that house still reside there and let the county election board know about changes. The liberals ( Democrats ) have a precinct committeeman designated for nearly 100% of the precincts in our nation. The conservatives ( Republican and Tea Party ) have less than 25%. Whether you are officially designated as the precinct committeeman or woman makes no difference. The task still needs to be performed. They are beating us long before the election. They are beating us at the front door of the homes of the voters. If you want conservatives in office you need to help us get them elected. We’ve got an important battle to win. Talk is cheap. Talking politics is cheap too. Let’s stop talking politics. Let’s DO some politics. Contact your county clerk’s office and get the name of the Republican Party Chairman for your county. That is the person you need to contact to get involved.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 18:37:42 +0000

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