The best way to understand that there is Heaven, is to think about - TopicsExpress


The best way to understand that there is Heaven, is to think about Heaven,but when you call its needs(TRINITY LESSONS) a mere story_ say that of tha HARE and a Fox, that means you have forgotten the consequences of death(Heaven & hell),and one who forgets about death can never take his eyes off the fragile pleasures of this earth. We know the body was cursed to admire but in it is Gods blessed soul to control it,who fails to control himself in greed for power,money and all known vanity of this earth can never mind that, WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR HIM/HER IS ETERNAL,MORE THAN THE VANITY OF THIS EDEN, (luke16:19-31 can prove my statement). Many of us dont know to pray,praise/convince/appease God_ so it is the most important reason why we were created,such people must learn from my brother ZACCHAEUS in Luke19:1-10,when he had of who was announcing of how eternal life could be found, he did his best to be in connection with him,because only by that was a path to eternity, he had never heard or seen some one of great fame like him,and today is the very JESUS who earlier prophecised his first return through a messenger. Those who want and have had difficulty in communicating to God,try this everyday,it will spark your soul to begin obeying the teachings from God and Isa, >when you are going out of your home say,holyspirit lead my way >Before you eat any thing food for example say,holyspirit take over this meal,GOD thanks for your early work. >In the evening jump 5 times,¤before the first jump say,GOD thanks for todays work. ¤The second time,forgive me lord i may have sinned in mind,speech or action and u only noticed. ¤The third time,help me be in peace with my neighbours at work and all places i travel. ¤The fourth time,protect my family and neighbours fron immoral desires of the serpent by giving us courage through the holyspirit ¤THE FIFTH TIME,remember me when you come in your glory at judgement day,JESUS. When your wife,baby or friend asks you what is that new tactic you are doing,politely tell him or her that,i need eternal life, you cant give me eternal life,but the one i was talking to as i jumped promised eternal life and today he teaches through a messenger, let me know if i may teach you the tactic and its steps. DONT FORGET TO PRAY OUR DAILY PRAYER WHERE U UTTER YO PROBLEMS TO GOD,it could be a job, or your late relative u know was a sinner,etc My relatives the muslims conduct their daily prayers well but the naked truth is that,the important key for one to be in heaven(Isa)they know very well, while they utter their prayers they remove his name and instead pass their prayers through muhammed,such are the people he warned in MARK12:10=it was the stone rejected by the builders that became the keystone, watch out if u do not have that key,it requires u not to be black or white to have it, its free, your car,mosque does not burst for choosing Isa,but quran and bible show He only can take you to Heaven,l kindly beg the MUFTIS,SHEIKHS AND IMAMS TO TEACH THEIR FLOCK THE RIGHT WAYS TO HEAVEN. The 5times tactic,please give it a try,your commitment to it will build a strong bond between you and Gods desires, dont mind even one called you a weaver bird, such are wolves in sheep hides,when we are busy building community union through work,charity and other duties under the sun,they wait in silence until others have brought then hold a pen to twist GODS message into negative results,woe to these because a redlight rod will be there reward if they dont change from that habbit, they are those that Jesus rebuked in MATHEW13:13-14 + MATHEW15:8-9(...they will listen and listen again,but wont understand,see and see again but not percive,such people honor jesus with lip service with their hearts far away from him,the worship they offer him is worthless and the doctrines they teach are only of human regulations other teaching people how to find Heaven)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:53:06 +0000

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