The bible describes Jesus to have been beaten beyond all - TopicsExpress


The bible describes Jesus to have been beaten beyond all recognition. At some point, I have heard it claimed that the body will eventually grow numb to repeated physical blows. It has been said that after the pain of non attended swelling and scourging subsides. The minds pleasure centers will begin releasing these powerful endorphins enabling you to to darn near numb out any further pain caused by the physical assaults. Is this true? Has any one you know or yourself ever been beaten beyond pain? We always focus so much on what Christs physical body endured for us and rightfully so. This should not be taken lightly and from time to time I believe we should all sincerely take more time to ponder again and again The Cross. His Body that was the veil torn that kept us all from going into the most holy of Holies. The Love it took to carry that cross and the knowing that it truly is by these stripes and scourging that Our Christs body endured that we are now able to obtained our own healing and resurection. What strikes me even deeper still this morning is The Blood of Jesus that was shed for the forgiveness and remission of our sins (any and all infractions of our Love for The Father, ourselves and others.) His request to The Father to forgive his own murderers and even deeper still the very soul of Christ that was surely poured out like a drink offering into the earth beneath the feet of Jesus hanging that day on The Cross of Golgotha. Upon pondering the crucifixion this morning and the water that poured out from his spear pierced side. The water and seeking to know more about that spear wound. The wound that caused water alone to run down his legs and off his toes into the earth below. Imagining how at that spears initial entrance into the right side of Christs body. The water must have poured out like a fount before quickly becoming nothing more than a faint trickle. Leaving single droplets of water dripping one by one off his pierced feet and precious toes. Blessed are those feet who came to bring us The Good News. All of this pondering reminded me of a time not too long ago when the family and I was vacationing in New Mexico just miles from the Mexican boarder. After we were done hiking all day out in the hot dessert sun. I came across a small drinking spout. We were all thirsty to say the least. The spout appeared to be barely working to me though, trickling only a little water. I had to stand there with my hands cupped patiently waiting for enough water to fill them just to get one drink. My Uncle explained that the park did this intentionally to avoid waste. As I sat there patiently waiting my hands to be filled with just enough to get one good drink again those two words as they often do came to my heart and mind. Oh those two words.Those two words Jesus spoke to us all on The Cross that day I Thirst. These two words always blast me again and again with This Powerful Revelation. The earth is the LORDs, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. ~ Psalms 24:1 as well as The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. Although many of Gods Kids on earth are still thirsty today and dont have access to clean drinking water and although they cry out daily for water just as Jesus did. Many feeling as abandoned I am sure as Christ did. I have high Hopes for this generation of Gods Kids doing something about it. As Christians I do not believe any of us can can afford to not do something about it. I believe that a good orderly step and sign of increasing maturity in The Body of Christ is to see as many have seen. We cry out for God to break our hearts for what breaks his and I see millions coming together under his banner of love to begin breaking ground. Christ as our head first and up most in all things being seen in the light of this earth changing moment when Jesus uttered these two words on the Cross. As believers in Christ. I dont believe we need to look any further than this to start... Christ was imprisoned, beaten, ridiculed and hung there naked. Yet at the end of it all his three facet being of body soul and spirit spoke out these words I Thirst. Ponder that. Ponder that deeply ask God for some revealatory knowledge on that. He didnt say he was cold. Although I am sure his body shook violently from shock. He didnt say he was hungry. Although Im sure he must have been. He wasnt up there either all upset yelling about how his disciples didnt come to see him while he was in prison. No, at this pivotal point at the end of Christs life before conquering death. Jesus simply said I Thirst. I really do believe this was for a divine reason Church. I can see so clearly that even the anguish that accompanies the last dying moments of a man, women or child without water wasnt something that Our Lord could not adequately relate too. With Christ as the head of The Body (all of us regardless of religious affiliation or doctrinal differences.) I am speaking to all who have been reconciled by Love through Jesus back to the Father. By The Spirit and Love of Christ that compels us and has been sent to us and through us from The Father. I believe that every Jesus loving Kingdom preaching church should unite in this single cause. Coming together into the unity of the Faith and showing the whole world that what is his priority truly has become our priority. Then I believe we should all commit at least something to this one cause. I believe The Father God would have all Jesus Loving and Kingdom Preaching Ministries abroad to to begin sowing into credible well building and clean water supplying organizations world wide. I personally use this analogy to make this point. If I was a doctor going into an emergency room and I had to make the choice to either treat the migraine headache patient on my right or the gun shot victim just rushed in on my left bleeding profusely from his neck. I assuredly would tend to the bleeding man whos condition obviously is much more life threatening. Correct? How much more as the Body of Christ (All believers world wide and collectively) should we not be storming into Earths Emergency Rooms getting them access to clean life saving water. We have to get these kids and families out of our waiting rooms. Millions of children year after year now are being left unattended too and babies are forced to take their last breathes in the arms of wailing mothers while we remain tending to much less trivial matters. Church as I write this I see weak barely alive women kids and families from the past crawling up on unclean drinking holes infested with life threatening malaria being offered water like the wine mixed with vinegar to our thirsty dying Christ on The Cross. Offered like a mockery while church leaders have stayed consumed with doctrine in all of their dying moments. Dirty water offered like a mockery while we have tended and committed to so much less trivial matters. Father Forgives us for we dont even Know what we are doing. I sincerely believe that a strong wake up call and command from Christ our head was made clear that day for us all. No other time in known history have we been granted with the modern day means, technology and ability to unite (regardless of our intellectual differences) and receive the empowering Holy Spirit of Christs Love and Wisdom to do so. Christs Spirit commenced and loosed that same day on the Cross is available to us all and through Christ we can do all things. I call all who thirst to come and drink from the well spring of life and I can see Tall Crosses marking a million watering holes as a sign of our Love. This is how we should be known as Christians Church. We shall be known by our Love. As we will all begin to rise up into the maturity that is Christ our Head and we as The Body move with singularity and precision purpose. I Believe many other earthen woes and hurts will become completely eradicated, corrected and and healed.. As there are many other needs and facets of ministry and there are so many different hurts and wounds to tend too. Perhaps, collectively we could all Agree and commit to this one. Making the worlds water epidemic a committed priority. We can not only learn to move together and collectively toward a common cause but as well show this world what Christs Kingdom is truly supposed to look like. I believe this can and will be and already is a big open door for all of Matthew 25s commission to be fulfilled here on earth. If we cant unite or agree on anything else as The Body of Christ. Let us all agree that people are thirsty and need water within days or they will continue to die. If every Christ Loving Church together Catholics and Protestants alike came to agree on this one thing. I believe the reward is already written... The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. ~ Matthew 25 Christs words remain. I Thirst. Let us all start here. ~ Sincerely Pastor Scott
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:07:48 +0000

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